“A book carries a world unto itself.” Indeed!! And, we at Booxoul, literally breathe books. Having said that, here’s a modest confession – YES!! Booxoul is indeed one of India’s Best Book Blogs today.

Booxoul, founded and established more than 4 years ago, has worked industriously towards meeting high standards of expectation and worked successfully towards making its brand a well sought and popular one.

Having been featured and acknowledged by prominent sites such as Buzz Feed, OutLook India, Book Bub, Social Samosa, Book Bound India, Sharing Stories there is no stopping or looking back for Booxoul, one of India’s top books Blogs in 2021.

At Booxoul, we sincerely believe in justifying the Author’s Hard work that they put to create that beautiful, aesthetic piece of work created. Their endeavour needs to be recognized prominently and also in the correct manner, via the correct method and chain of strategic events.

A book conceptualized and created goes through many stages

Manuscript building

Done with finishing some of your vision but still not able to take your work to a successful closure? Worry not, as we are here to help you fight that writer’s block and create that impactful storyline.


Completed the manuscript but unsure as to what you have to offer? Our team shall proofread your work, providing diligent, much-needed solutions to hone it to perfection.

Book editing

We, at Booxoul, provide book editing options to authors to help them chisel their piece of art to the utmost slickness and finery.

Restructuring of the book

Sometimes, a book may need a complete turnaround, a change in a major event, significant editing, change of some of the core conceptualization to help enhance its value and improve it. We, at your wish, are here to provide you with the same, on a completely one-to-one basis.

Author promotions

The person behind the whole vision, he/she is the one people want to know about. Indeed! we help you build up what we call the Brand Value Of an author through author promotions comprising of activities such as author interviews as well as proper pitching of the author to the organic reader groups via various social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, blog, Goodreads, YouTube and so on. We believe the author should get the real spotlight if he /she needs to really ARRIVE on the arena of critical acclamation.

Book Promotions

This is a four-fold program consisting of. Book reviews:-A vital ingredient in the success recipe for your book, both critically as well as to push sales. b. Book blog tour:-How about “introducing” your work to people? We do that on our blog ensuring the book “launches” right in the midst of where it should. c. Cover reveal tour:- This is done to generate buzz around your title and notch up the excitement levels!d. Bulk reviews:- We are sure you will agree that when a bunch of noted people read and critically acclaim your title that works as one of the most powerful driving forces pushing your sales higher. We have bulk review solutions that can be tailored as per your requirement and need.

Strategic Marketing

Our motto stands”Make sure the author, as well as the title, ARRIVE with a BANG”. With sooo many titles, we realize the level of competition every author has to face. We offer marketing solutions too, to help them set their sales wheels in motion thereby pushing them up in the popularity charts.

Booxoul offers it all, individually as well as in the form of a comprehensive step-by-step package.
We, at Booxoul, strive to achieve what we call a multi-dimensional approach towards the complete, detailed, strategic, meticulous build-up and Outreach of a book’s potential reader base and market. We realize that the real work, in fact, starts after the book is complete, ready to publish, and free of errors. There are numerous procedures involved therein which we are glad to, NOW offer as part of our services henceforth. We shall cater to your individual requirement and also ensure that it shall be a completely satisfying experience for you, as an Author. Do drop us a mail and fill in the details mentioned and we promise to get back as soon as we can. Remember, “Books are food for the Soul.” Hence, like our souls need holistic fulfilment so do beautifully created books. Till then, Happy reading and soak in the Sunshine !!!