A thriller to keep you on your toes – The Correctors by Rahul Vishnoi

2019 was a good year of reading. I’ve discovered a lot of great authors, and some of them are Indian authors. One such author, which I have recently discovered, is Rahul Vishnoi, a professional dentist and an amazing hobby writer. ‘The Correctors‘ is his second book. What an amazing book this has been! ‘The Correctors‘ is a story that has kept me on my toes from the beginning to the end. It’s spread across three genres: Suspense Thriller Comedy The story revolves around the most eccentric characters, such as the Bride, The Correctors, Ayan Bakshi, the protagonist Saayan Bakshi, and so on. The characters were so eccentric that they left a huge impression on me, and they shadowed my thoughts long after I read the book. No matter how you try, you just can’t turn off their strong personality. The style and narrative of the writer fascinated me mightily. Moreover, every nook and cranny of the narratives is polished to perfection, spell-bindingly gripping and smooth as butter. This pushed me to read on the run for hours to the limit. The beginning shocked me, Thenceforth, I was invested in the story. It was a maze of sudden twists and turns full of laughter and unpredictability, jolting me out of my senses. But the climax was shocking. What an ending author gave to this book. Though I have an inkling, that there might be a book 2 in the future, seeing how it ended. Furthermore, the language impressed me. Neither simple nor hard hard to understand. One can see clearly the command of English the author has in the book. Rahul’s book ‘The Correctors‘ has earned 5 on 5, for its high entertainment quotient and writing style. I recommend this book to every reader, who don’t mind reading graphically detailed suicide and torture scenes.⁣ What an incredible journey this has been. Reading this book. .   .   .   .   . Love reading thrillers? Then, don’t forget to check out our Thriller section. Also, do let us know your favorite thriller book in the comments below! Happy Reading 🙂