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 Who can ever give you company throughout your life, I know no one can, but cant we walk a few steps together. – Ahmad Faraz

This novel doesn’t last long reading wise but it makes you think. Think about people, situations, dreams and chase towards those dream. When I saw this 65 pages novel, I thought this is a piece of cake, to eat in one gobble but the taste of the author’s narration is still lingering around. I would have loved to read more of this story and that is the only complaint I have about this novel The Lost Gold by Kaushikk Yegnan

If pain doesn’t provide visible proof.You suffer, and suffer alone, for lack of proof

This novel is about sportsman’s 69 years journey across the Olympics of times in the search of the lost gold. As a child protagonist Andrei Kaufmanns attends the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and from there his love for long jump and dream of winning Olympic gold begins. In between because of World war II, he could not win Gold and chase towards Gold medal begins.Author has not written about big war story instead it’s about small stories which seems insignificant in world’s history which describes human pain and emotions affected because of war. If love could move mountains, a mother’s love could realign the universe. My favorite part of novel was a story about Andrie’s servant Bretta and her 4 year old son Boris.It wasn’t a happy story but it is still replaying in my mind.‘The most painful state of being is remembering the future,  particularly the one you’ll never have! – SOREN KIERKEGAARD ‘.In these 65 pages father – son relationship, Mother’s devotion for her only son, journey of sportsman towards his dream and many more feelings are covered which makes you wonder about life and many other things.
For this gripping novel of worst times of human history world war II I would like to rate 4.5 out of 5.

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