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Bollywood Saga: Zoravar

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul

Entertainment Quotient


Zoravar is written really well with a gripping narrative. Movie-buffs will most definitely love reading it. Though, according to me, such books should be a little shorter in length. It was a nice, enjoyable read. I am really excited about the 2nd book in the series as this one ended in a cliffhanger. I applaud the author for this unique book and wish him all the best for the next!


I love books that take me on a journey to the murky memories. Memories, oh so beautiful memories I had forgotten about until now. All I needed was a turn of a page and it all came rushing back. My love for Bollywood and it’s drama. And the bollywood magazines, how I used to devour them. Watch every news that had Bollywood mentioned in it.

Where has that Neelam gone now, I wonder? 

I thank you, Maharsh Shah, for writing Zoravar, a novel based on Bollywood and it’s many dramas. It was a much needed one. 

Zoravar by Maharsh Shah is the first book in the Bollywood Saga. It is the story of Zoravar Cheema whose family decides to stay in India after partition. Young Zoravar is fascinated by the Bollywood and dreams of being on the big screen.  

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Hailing from a poor family and after facing a lot of struggles, he somehow makes it to Mumbai. As we all are well aware of, the city is not so easy to survive in. The struggle continues and Zoravar gets caught up in the vicious cycle of ambition, desire, failure and the Mafias. That’s Bollywood for you.

The book depicts the post-partition movie-industry scenario in a very detailed way. There are mentions of Bollywood legends like Dilip Kumar, Dev Anand, Raj Kapoor and such. Kind of made me hungry for old movies again. Once upon a time they used to be my staple food. I used to consume movies like breathing air; watching 3 movies a day. Ah, memories. 

Zoravar manages to show the reality of the film-industry, good and bad alike. It also tells the histories about some famous magazines and filmfare awards. There are the dark secrets of the underworld and the struggle one has to go through to reach on the top. 

Zoravar is written really well with a gripping narrative. Movie-buffs will most definitely love reading it. Though, according to me, such books should be a little shorter in length. It was a nice, enjoyable read. I am really excited about the 2nd book in the series as this one ended in a cliffhanger. I applaud the author for this unique book and wish him all the best for the next!

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