7 Books on Subhash Chandra Bose You Should Know About


Subhash Chandra Bose led the Indian National Congress’s young, radical wing in the late 1920s, eventually becoming its President. Despite ideological differences with Mahatma Gandhi, he continued his relentless pursuit of a freedom struggle by establishing the Indian National Army. Booxoul has compiled a list of the top seven books on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

5 Insane (but true) Things About Chole Bhature

Of perfect color and in shape, not very big, not very small, I saw those big drops had started to fall, one at a time, dripping down as the bath was getting over while it was held to the corner of the frying pan, waiting to join its mate, the chickpeas in the bowl. Don’t you ever drool over the sight of those round ‘Bhaturas‘ being fried just for you to eat them up and satisfy your lusty taste buds!? Well, I do every single time. This article, however, is not to talk of the heavenly taste of the combo but to let you the readers know some of the crazy facts regarding the dish, some of which might have not been expected! So, let’s take a plunge into the delicious world of authentic tastes…   1) 2nd October is an important day! For obvious reasons it is, but for some not so obvious reasons too! Other than the Gandhi Jayanti, there is something this day is celebrated for! Surprisingly our Bapu’s day is also known as the ‘World Chole Bhature Day‘. First celebrated in 2015 in India and all the places where this dish is popular by thousands of people by posting a picture of themselves with the cuisine on Facebook, virtually making thousands of people eating it together! Isn’t it interesting?   2) Garba….. What? What? Garbanzo??? Well yes, it’s true. If you are wondering what it is, it is a common chickpea that I’m talking about! Yes, the very our chickpeas (Kabuli chana) is also known as Garbanzo! Commonly known as chana, or Bengal gram, this very name is derived from the Spanish language.   3) Are you tall enough? Let’s see! How tall are you? A maximum of 6 ft. or for a safe side 6.5 ft? What if you are given to eat something of 4.2 ft. Something edible which is 4 ft and 2 inches tall, don’t you think we needed to be a little taller! The world record for the biggest Bhatura was made in Delhi in 2017 which measured to be 4 ft and 2 inches tall. It got a place in the Limca Book of World Records.   4) Homographs find some applications here..(not strictly though) Homographs are words spelled the same but have different meanings with the same or different pronunciations. Surprisingly, the Hindi word “chole” has so many meanings in English and other languages! Few of them are listed below: Chole: chickpeas, grams Chole: a woreda- a third-level administrative division in Ethiopia Chole: bile Chole: a medical slang for cholecystitis Chole: an antecedent of Golf   Health is wealth, and if health is a new delight? In today’s dynamical environment, things have been constantly on a change. From parathas dipped in ghee, people have moved on to brown bread, a glass full of lassi is now replaced by a bottle of juice. All this ‘CZ of the big fat word “DIETING” (P.S.- I made it fat :-P). But what if, our very own luscious dishes turn out to be healthy? Well, Chole Bhature is one such combo which with a few changes can be turned into a healthy but heavenly treat. Avoiding excess oil and masalas, chickpeas can be a source of many health benefits. They have high amounts of vitamins and minerals and are rich in fiber and proteins, which bundles it with lots of health benefits like weight management, blood sugar levels, etc. As far as the Bhaturas are concerned, they can be made with wheat flour, which has less fat and is not as harmful as is the all-purpose flour. .   .   .   .   . So, that was 5 Insane (but true) Things About Chole Bhature that I bet you didn’t know. If you think that we’re missing something out here, then do let us know in the comments and also, suggest to us various topics to write more content on. Also, read: Do you eat Salad? You won’t ever after reading this Thanks for reading 🙂  

School vs. College

From one gate to another gate, Though I am still always late, Things changed, and the life too, To moments I had to bid adieu!! School vs. College What do you miss the most right now, like your favorite memory? That old school love? Those last bench pranks? That college bunk for a date? Or those late-night hostel parties? It’s so amazing how gradually changes occur, from a heavy school bag to few copies in hands, from those ribbon-tied hairs to fringes and layers, from that decent face to some grown unkempt beard. Too many changes!! Let’s take a look at the two most talked about phases of our life, SCHOOL VS COLLEGE.   1) Punctuality School: On-time always. Not even a minute late. Rather 20 min before the bell rang. I swear I have seen children crying out loud even if they got late by 10 min to school. College: “Me and punctual? Oh, Shut up!”, this was the reaction of most of my college mates when I questioned them about being punctual. Often I see, when the college starts at 9 am, one of my friends leaves the bed just 15 min prior to it. So, unfortunately never punctual. (Even happens with me at times! :-P) 2) Attendance School: A decent attendance of 90%, 80%, 75% for that matter. A medical certificate for 74%. Going to school even with a high fever. College: 75% of attendance… Ask those students who strive hard for the minimum attendance criteria so that they can give the papers. And on top of that what sucks is we get marked on the basis of our college attendance. Seems funny to me at times… ? 3) Exams School: Full syllabus done, revision done 2 times, just need to look a few formulae once, slept at 11 pm. College: Its 11 pm at night. Course- just started. Studying for half an hour and taking a nap of an hour. And then you get reminded of an old memory and when you get back on track you see the time, and it’s 1:00 am. 4) The Semblance! School: A clear distinction between boys and girls. Boys with short well-kept hair. Small beard. Girls with either plated hair or tied with ribbons. A decent look although. College: Sometimes it gets difficult even to differentiate the gender. Though personal it is, yet I would like to mention that there was a time when a close friend of mine(male to avoid any confusion) had longer front hairs than mine. And I was like, okay, not a big deal. And at times that unkempt beard. No one to judge here, but not that decent a look I guess. Girls with those flying hair, wonder if they don’t get irritated. No offense though. 5) The special occasions, BORN DAY!! School: A big party at home, distributing those sweets in school with the best friend. That was the day when people got to know that two people were best friends. College: Party-all-night…party-all-night.. On the birthday eve, two cakes on the table, one for the cake cutting, one for the face painting… ? Some hard birthday bombs, a few pictures and a lot of memories for a lifetime. 6) The most painful things  ? School: When the teacher is absent but the substitution teacher is one of your subject teachers and your extra P.T. period is canceled. ? College: When you return from a hectic morning to noon schedule and find the worst food of your life, the mess food. At times, it feels like the world is broken. (P.S.- I’m sure, every one of you who has had mess food, must have complained at least once in life to your parents about it. Well, I do it regularly without any break.) 7) Desires!!! School: Simple desires of having a phone, leave getting the number of your crush, even the sight is a delight. And some have the high desires to topping the school. College: A perfect body with abs, without even working hard for it. A college placement. High profile jobs. And the best better half. ? .   .   .   .   . This is how life changes from school to college and I hope you felt related to these 7 School vs College facts, the basic things though. How the desires and dreams change. How we change gradually. What changes did you find in yourself, do share in the comments section? Also, just like this school vs college (written by Pragya), you can share your ideas and your stories with us on Instagram or Facebook. We would love to feature it here with your name! Happy Reading 🙂