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Action thriller books have always been one of my favourite genres to read since they incorporate multiple elements at once in a single attempt, making the reading a wholesome experience altogether. Action thrillers, which are usually fast-paced, pulse racing books, also happen to be full of adrenaline-pumping, nerve-wracking, wistful, and wondrous details, which are a treat for one’s mind. So, today I thought of getting you guys a list of the 5 Best action thriller books guaranteed to set your pulse racing! Go check them out now.

The intimacy of the detail-why the silence of the lambs is quite possibly the thriller writer’s Bible 

-Thomas Harris

Indeed, pulse-racing thrillers have all the possible raw material required for a sensational indulgence, if there ever was one. Singularly, one of the most read genres, action thrillers, happens to be one of those that give readers dual enjoyment with adrenaline-pumping plots and racy action. The result is an action thriller that is sure to stay on your mind long after you have finished reading it.

Well, I have always enjoyed reading action thrillers, especially since they give me the most perfect possible reading permutation in terms of ticking all the right boxes as far as the individual elements of a great fiction read are concerned. So, today I thought of sharing with you guys a list of the 5 Best action thriller books guaranteed to set your pulse racing! So, make a note and prepare to dive into a world that sends the blood rushing to your head.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson

A nail-biting suspense thriller, this one keeps you hooked right throughout the spine-chilling story that takes place with a series of serial murders as well as corporate corruption. Revolving around the financial frauds of a Swedish industrial family, my advice would be to take notes alongside this one, as you may crick your neck at the breakneck speed of this one. Harriett’s murder and the events revolving around it are such that they will keep anyone intrigued for life. Trigger warning though—too much sexual description too, so better be prepared for it. A compulsive, gripping page-turner, this is a riveting tale you must catch up on today!

Black Fire by William Kely McClung

This literary masterpiece, which I happened to recently read, is as intense in its narrative as it is triumphant in its characterization. Black, the main protagonist’s pursuits and relentless journey to seek his true purpose, are a thunderous symphony laced with fiery escapades and a thirst for redemption. Plunged into a realm where readers see the past collide with the present, they shall also witness the emergence of a hero who is a tour de force in himself. A thrilling read, this has been one of my favourite reads of the year and is hard to put down. Rifting through the dichotomy of Black’s previous violent exploits, the story takes a refreshing U-turn when Black decides to work around defining his true sense of purpose and belonging. A must-read.

Killing Floor by Lee Child

Lean and spare prose and one of the most intriguing heroes of our time, the drama contained herein is explosive to the exponent of uncountable. I love the first-person narrative, which for me marks the unusual USP of the tale. Jack Reacher, his life story, and his wanderings are not only a treat to read, but this book also happens to be part of the first in a series that has been long since loved and acknowledged, both as a book and a movie. A great title.

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

Well, if you ask me honestly, this one got more popular after the phenomenal success of The Da Vinci Code. And the reason for that is evident, isn’t it? One of the best possible action thrillers of all time, infusing high-voltage drama, emotion, culture, and politics with a blend of the most potent drama elements along with a supersonic speed and enigmatic character (Langdon at his usual best), what is not to love in this one? And yeah, the Camerlengo too! My favourite work by Dan aside from the Da Vinci, this one perhaps resonates more owing to its “just right” complexity and amazing action, exuding a seamless attraction you will surely become smitten with.

Airframe by Michael Crichton

A fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled thriller from the master of high-concept storytelling himself, this one has several imagined scenarios where several things may go wrong at once. Devoid of any sci-fi elements, this is a truly great read. The story of a seemingly normal plane crash, from the time the investigators witness the condition of the inside cabin, is an awesome thriller. Well-researched and highly recommended, this combines two diverse topics, air safety and modern media, leading to a brilliant ending. One hell of a ride, if you ask me.

So, these were the 5 Best action thriller books guaranteed to set your pulse racing!

Let me know in the comments which one you plan to pick up next. If you ask me, I would say go for Black Fire by William Kely McClung, as I have personally enjoyed that one quite a bit. Stay tuned with us right here at Booxoul for the best in the fields of entertainment, fun, finance, mental health, fashion, education, travel, tech, and gadgets, as well as all things bookish.

Adios Amigos!

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