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Soon it’s a Gemini Season and birthday month of Me (Booxoul) and Vidhya (reader_viddh).  So here we are with an amazing blog hop. Thank you each one who are part of this challenge. Let us all grow together.

Here are the Rules of the Bloghop

1: Follow me on Instagram, TwitterFacebook and subscribe to my website.

2: Follow Vidhya on Instagram ,  TwitterFacebook also Subscribe to her Website.

3: Write ONE Blogpost on any of the Given KEYWORDS. You can write maximum TWO posts.

Books you love, Books, Gemini, Birthday, book list, Reader, reading, Quarantine, Letter, Instagram

you need to write post on any of the one keyword. It can be any post.

4: Use #Birthdaybloghop  in the title and add this sentence at the end of the article.

This post is part of #Birthdaybloghop by Neelam Sharma and Vidhya Thakkar  should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

5: Add your posts in the given Linky.Comment and Share all the posts on twitter using #Birthdaybloghop and Tag @Booxoul and @Vidhya_Thakkar.

6: There should be no e-commerce or any other links in your posts except the host’s link.

7: The Winner gets an amazon voucher worth Rs: 1000/-

8: The linky is below:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
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