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There are some days when all I want is to read are some soothing verses and quotes that have the power to calm the storm brewing inside of my mind. And on such days I prefer to read books such as A Truths by Vyasadi.

This book is truly an amazing brew of words. One sip and I am all calm and happy. What’s more, the beauty of this book isn’t just words only. It has some of the pleasing watercolour illustrations that compliment the beauty of words. Now, what’s more, do we need? Eh?⁣

Author Vyasadi has divided the book into three parts Ocean of Spirituality, Pearls of Wisdom and Love Currents. Each part is an elixir to attain nirvana. Calming, Healing and soothing all pains. I say, the book A Truths by Vyasadi is a must-read!⁣

And before signing off, I am sharing with you all some of my favourite lines…⁣

Spirituality is a loophole in reality from where the truth enters⁣

So it is said that before man, God came and before God, man’s thought⁣

Therein you reside, Wherein you seek

Can’t wait to read this magical book? Buy your copy of A Truths using the link below

Amazon book purchase link of A Truth by VyasadiAlgebra by Nathan Pratyksh Khanna
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