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Book review of My Ramyeon Girl by Nethra A

Set in South Korea, Nethra’s book My Ramyeon Girl is about a famous South Korean celebrity Lee Jung-Su, who falls in love with an Indian girl Meena in a Ramyeon shop. Thenceforth, life for Jung-Su isn’t same anymore. It is a Roller-Coaster ride wrought with love and heartbreak.

Hmm… Aren’t all romance novels has the same concept? Well, they do, but not this one. To know the ‘Hows’ and ‘Whys’ of it, you have got to read it.

Okay, so what do I think of the Story?

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from the story of My Ramyeon Girl. I thought it to be the same old romance and their happy endings. Not that I have any problem with such books. In fact, I gobble them up in no time. But this time I was surprisingly jolted out of my comfort zone by the author’s brilliant storyline.

What about the Characters?

What I liked most about this book is their characters. Each one of them were carved intricately. Especially, Lee Jung-Su, who stole my heart with his vulnerable personality and and a subtle sense of humour.

Though, however good the main two characters were; unfortunately, they lacked chemistry. The ‘zing’ that makes the heart sing wasn’t there.

About the Writing Style?

Nethra made sure to use the vernacular so that a larger part of Indian readers can easily connect connect with her. I also liked the way she did not drag the story with unnecessary words. Even the conversations between the characters were quite engaging and that I rarely can find in books written by Indian authors. In addition, I liked her narrative style: simple and lucid.

The only thing that disappointed me was the lack of vividness to the story. A few colours here and there that could have made the book brilliantly striking were missing. Apart from that, Nethra’s book My Ramyeon Girl was quite an entertaining read.


A perfect read for newbies in love with romance genres.

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Book Review of My Ramyeon Girl by Nethra A
Book Review of My Ramyeon Girl by Nethra A
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