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Book review of The Golden Book of Business Presentation by Prajeet Budhale

The Golden Book of Business Presentation




It is a must read for students, entrepreneurs and working class


The Golden Book of Business Presentation Skills gives a very practical guide on how we can improve our presentation skills. The book is written with perfect divisions of various sections and chapters. It helps us be more confident with our presentation and help us avoid common mistakes.
It consists of 7 golden rules which will help the reader to make an impactful presentation. They are further divided into two parts – Know and How. ‘Know’ defines and explains the rule whereas ‘How’ teaches us how to implement these rules effectively. Each point is explained with a very practical and easy-to-understand example.

Three important points you will learn are –

1. How to understand your target audience to smoothly pitch your presentation to them.
2. Various verbal and non-verbal actions which can help you make a lasting impression amongst your team.
3. How to confidently face and handle the questions asked and which is the best way to end your presentation?

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These points are very important which traditional schooling misses out on. Today’s business world is full of competition and it demands us to be as confident and perfect to stand out in every aspect. They way we present an idea to a group of people tells a lot about us as a person. Not to forget, it helps us grow and expand our business or/ and accomplishments.

The book is just 131 pages long and is packed with tips and tricks to be the best in your field!

It is perfect for everyone! Be it a school student or a professional, every chapter in this book has something to offer you. Prajeet Budhale has explained each aspect very clearly in layman’s language. I highly recommend reading it to upskill yourself.

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