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I met Atticus, when I was searching solace to the chaos that my mind was in. A chaos that can only be satiated by words. Those words, they had power to devour me whole. It was a chance meeting that became my comfort.

Since then I have read many Atticus’s works, among them was the most recent release ‘The Truth About Magic’. It is a collection of some visual modern poetries, that in the simplest way managed to capture Love, Lust and Longing.

“His was a selfish love
his soul
with all
of her pieces.”

But unfortunately, ‘The Truth About Magic’ failed to capture my soul. For my soul only craved poetries. And poetries they were not.

They were the musings. Musings of broken hearts longing for love. And they were the musings of lovers for they were in lust. But poetries, they were not. Yet they were pleasing to my mind for they craved only words.

Words of Love, Lust and Longing…

Can’t wait to read it? Buy your copy of The Truth About Magic using the link below.

Book review of The Truth about Magic by Atticus
Book review of The Truth about Magic by Atticus
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