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The Different Bride

Neelam Sharma,

Book Review of The Different Bride by Charu Singh


It’s not every day that we come across stories like that of Chandrika and Prakash. In a world where it’s not easy to be different, Chandrika does not carry her supposed ‘flaw’ as baggage. She instead lives a happy and cheerful life with clear and serious goals. She works hard towards getting into a top business school, to turn her dreams into reality. Despite her endearing nature, deep within her heart she truly believes that love is not for her. But one fine day, the love bell rings, thanks to Graham Bell!
Prakash works as a sales executive with an internet company. He has a strained relationship with his father because of his father’s rigid rules and rigorous expectations.

When the two meet by fateful design, it’s not just Chandrika’s beliefs that are set to change but her entire life!

The Different Bride is a love story of its own kind.
It will leave you feeling stronger about how love transcends all the barriers that may come in its way.


If you look closely at a tree, you’ll notice its knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.

Matthew Fox

Indeed, we all are made up of imperfections. The important thing to note in life is that in spite of those it is essential that we appreciate and look up to them and celebrate and live life to the fullest alongside those imperfections. 

A book I happened to read recently reinforced this belief of mine and gave it a truckload of fuel, thanks to its effective message dispersion – We all are beautiful in our own unique ways. It is upon us to find beauty even in the flaws and continue to move on.

The plot revolves around Prakash and Chandrika, their unusual love story, their ‘different from the ordinary’ kind of personalities, as labelled by the society and the importance of support and resilience in one’s life.

Chandrika, Chandrika, who is struggling with societally labelled ‘flaws’ and Prakash who comes from a debilitated familial background happen to meet and fall in love. What follows is a fabulous journey highlighting not only the highs and lows of their love story but tracing their entire journey and how they slowly but surely fight the twisted, typecast ways of this ruthless world, whilst trying to live a happy life together and carve a niche for themselves in this rigmarole.

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Chandrika, who is initially reluctant, yet a confident person, resonated with me the most. The way she accepts her bottlenecks of life and yet embraces life as beautifully is what touched me deeply.  

The manner in which their love story is depicted is sure to ring in some nostalgia for many I believe, what with its dial-up internet landline wala angle, the traditional love titbits like bouquets, the cosy, lovey-dovey messages youngsters drop into each other and so on. The reminiscence is sure to warm the cogs of your heart.

I also especially loved the angle of Chandrika’s family is in support of her regardless, relentlessly throughout. I personally feel that be it any so-called shortcoming in life a person might have, that is simply no reason for one to be judged harshly or on the ruthless, biased ground. Each of us is unique, each and every one of us is blessed in a special way. To overlook this and chastise somebody simply because they are different in some manner is absolute balderdash! People who follow this kind of mindset happen to accommodate sheer gibberish as far as progressive, rational thinking goes. Each and every person in the world is unique and beautiful in their own way. It is time we understood this simple fact and treat everyone equally without typecasting or chastising anyone.

With a headstrong core idea, superbly built characters, excellent depictions, The Different Bride, though coming across as a simple romantic read, is surely much beyond a regular romantic.

The fact that it goes out to give us the headstrong character of Chandrika, her amazing chemistry with Prakash, the love and support she gets from both her own family as well as Prakash, was the high point for me. I also could very strongly empathize with the character of Prakash’s mother who happened to be the bane of her Father’s torturous behaviour. Sigh, talk about unfair life huh‘!

With a subtle, yet well-conveyed message of overcoming difficulties with love, support, hope and resilience, this is one good read for me, the start of this New Year. Go for it if you want to read some real true inspiring slice of life, something which shall strike a chord deep in the throngs of your heart, making you realize the true importance of love, support and standing tall and oblivious in the face of discrimination. Kudos to the Author Charu Singh for such a piece of work. Keep it up, girl!

A good romance with earnest, life-altering morale attached.

So, that’s it from all of us at Booxoul today. Stay safe peeps, mask up and please try and avoid crowds and thus the possible transmission of the virus. Understand we all are in this together and we gotta gift our way out of this by being a little low profile for some days. Take care and stay hooked to us for your daily dose of entertainment, lifestyle, travel and all things Bookishhhh!!

I hope you like the book review of The Different Bride by Charu Singh. Do let us know what you think in the comments.


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