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Unholy Tales from Banaras

Some novels have the potential to be a star, a bestseller. Unfortunately, the idea behind the story doesn’t get executed well and hence this becomes the downfall of the novel. One such book that I am talking about is Anuj Tikku’s Unholy Tales from Banaras. This tale of deaths on the land of Banaras is a disappointment on all forefronts.

Though I wouldn’t say that everything in it was disappointing. No. The best part I loved about the book was the detailed description of Benaras done lovingly. I could see that the story had the power to shake me and move me, but the author did not believe in editing thoroughly. If he had, the book would have been a 4 star, no doubt.

Should you read it?

It was overall an okayish short read, so I leave it up to you.

I give it 2 stars

Unholy Tales of Banaras

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So, that was our review of Unholy Tales of Benaras.

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