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It’s been quite a while since I last read a poetry book that managed to strike chords in my heart. Little did I know that this short book of merely 118 pages will have such a devastating yet lingering effect on my mind, heart & soul. Words seem to fall short in describing my emotions at this moment. All transcendental feelings seem to perish when I think about writing a review for The Camphor of Night.

This is a very good poetry book of hardly 118 pages. So considering the size, it took me a little over an hour to finish it. Now let me get down to the facts which will help me justify my point accordingly.

The cover has been designed very well. The backdrop looks very good, it’s simple yet vivid. The dark and white theme along with the rider and trees enhances the overall picturesque presented here. It looks attractive and pleasant to the eyes. One of the very reasons why I picked this book up.

The title is another important aspect that captivated me. It’s apt and sounds interesting. It gets justified with the content over the passage of time. From the very first page where the author leaves a note for the readers under the headline, ‘ode to an unfinished coin‘ to the ending page describing art as a loved child of restlessness and insanity.

Samir Satam has a very unique, lucid and vivid approach to things. Let it be short notes, messages or poems throughout the poet. This fact gets accomplished effectively. It also gets accompanied by the sheer tenacity of the poems which are capable of capturing the underlying emotions lying dormant within our heart.

The figure of speech and rhyming has been incorporated well in some of the poems in the book. Though I felt this compilation could’ve been added at many other places of the book as well. Nevertheless, it was a really good read. It’s been ages since I read such a fine piece of art. Overall, The Camphor of Night is a lovely read.

My Rating: 4/5 stars

The Camphor of Night by Samir Satam

Buy now at Amazon

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Do you guys love poetry? If yes, then I’m sure that you’re going to love this book and our section of poetry in Booxoul’s bookshelf, check them out here.

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