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Did you know that roller coasters were actually invented to attract Americans from sin? Well, hosiery businessman LaMarcus Thompson built America’s first roller coaster to give New Yorkers some good, clean fun away from destructive thoughts and seedier pastimes. Presenting 10 facts I bet you didn’t know before.

So, you know there are so many facts which I always feel stay somewhat unknown, masked if I may say for most of us. These are those little bits which somehow have the power to blow our minds the moment we realise them.

One of the funniest stories I have heard happens to be about how an 11-year-old accidentally discovered ice pops! Or the uncanny ones being that octopuses have 3 hearts or that lobsters actually taste with their feet?

So today I thought of bringing something fun for you. Hmm, a little something you surely haven’t heard before I bet. 10 Facts that will blow up your mind!

Did you know? 10 facts I bet you didn’t know before:

Hitler was actually nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!

Hitler was actually nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!

Yes, it’s true! Believe it or not, there was a time when Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator, was indeed nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, before we jump to any conclusions, let’s dig into the details.

In 1939, a Swedish politician named E.G.C. Brandt submitted a nomination for Hitler to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. This may sound shocking and perplexing, considering Hitler’s role as the leader of Nazi Germany and his involvement in World War II, which resulted in immense suffering and loss of life.

It’s important to note that the Nobel Peace Prize nomination process is open to a wide range of individuals and organizations. Brandt, the nominator, claimed that Hitler’s efforts to negotiate a peace agreement with the United Kingdom in the early stages of the war were worthy of recognition. However, this nomination was ultimately rejected and did not progress further in the selection process.

While it may seem astounding and even absurd in retrospect, this historical tidbit serves as a reminder that nominations for prestigious awards can sometimes reflect political or ideological views of the time. The Nobel Peace Prize has since been awarded to individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to peacebuilding and humanitarian efforts.

So, there you have it—a surprising moment in history when Adolf Hitler found himself on the list of Nobel Peace Prize nominees. It just goes to show how complex and unpredictable our world can be.

Taller in the morning?

It’s an interesting notion, but let’s dive into the facts about height fluctuations throughout the day. It is commonly believed that individuals tend to be slightly taller in the morning compared to the evening. However, the actual height difference is quite minimal and temporary.

During the day, as we go about our activities, the force of gravity compresses the discs in our spine. This compression causes a slight reduction in height. When we lie down to sleep at night, the discs decompress and regain their normal height. As a result, we may wake up slightly taller in the morning.

However, it’s important to note that this temporary increase in height is typically only a few millimetres (less than an inch) and varies among individuals. Factors like age, genetics, and overall spinal health can also influence the degree of height fluctuation.

Throughout the day, due to the effects of gravity and regular activities, our height gradually returns to its normal baseline. So, by the end of the day, we may find ourselves back to our usual height before going to bed.

While the height difference between morning and evening may be fascinating, it’s essential to keep in mind that this fluctuation is minimal and doesn’t have any significant impact on our daily lives or overall stature. So, don’t worry if you feel a bit shorter by the end of the day—it’s all part of the natural ebb and flow of our bodies!

The world’s largest waterfall is actually underwater!

Prepare to be amazed by one of nature’s hidden wonders—the world’s largest waterfall that flows beneath the surface of the water! Yes, you heard it right, my friend. Below the shimmering waves lies a majestic waterfall that will leave you in awe.

Located in the Denmark Strait, between Greenland and Iceland, this incredible underwater waterfall is known as the Denmark Strait Cataract. It’s a mesmerizing sight that stretches over 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) in length. The cataract forms when the relatively warm and salty water of the North Atlantic Ocean collides with the colder, fresher water from the Arctic Ocean. This collision creates a powerful and continuous flow of water cascading down like a hidden masterpiece.

The sheer scale and force of this underwater waterfall are mind-boggling. As the water plunges downwards, it creates a mesmerizing and powerful current that plays a crucial role in the global circulation of ocean currents. It’s a hidden spectacle that showcases the immense power and beauty of the natural world beneath the surface.

While the Denmark Strait Cataract may not have the same visibility as its above-ground counterparts, its grandeur is no less impressive. It reminds us that there are countless wonders hidden within our vast oceans, waiting to be discovered and appreciated.

So, next time you find yourself gazing at a waterfall, take a moment to ponder the incredible spectacle that lies beneath the waves—a hidden marvel that holds the title of the world’s largest underwater waterfall, silently enchanting those who venture to explore its depths.

The inventor who regrets the invention

Yes, Tim Berners-Lee who created the main software of the Worldwide Web, admittedly regrets one thing-adding “//” after “https.” In a web address. It was standard programming at that time but didn’t serve any real purpose. Looking back in 2009, leaving it out would have saved time and space too. Hmm, a “key” point to be noted.

The Eiffel Tower was originally designed for Barcelona

Ah, the Eiffel Tower—the iconic symbol of Paris. But what if I told you that this remarkable structure was initially intended for a different city altogether? Brace yourself for a captivating story that intertwines architecture, destiny, and a change of plans.

Gustave Eiffel, the mastermind behind the Eiffel Tower, originally envisioned a towering masterpiece for the city of Barcelona in Spain. Inspired by the success of the Statue of Liberty in New York, Eiffel aimed to create a grand entrance arch for the 1888 Universal Exposition in Barcelona. This majestic structure, with its intricate iron lattice design, was set to leave visitors awestruck.

However, as fate would have it, Barcelona’s vision of the Eiffel Tower was not meant to be. The city’s authorities, concerned about the tower’s unconventional and avant-garde design, rejected the project. Can you imagine? Barcelona passing on what would later become one of the world’s most famous landmarks!

But fear not, for destiny had a different plan in store. Gustave Eiffel’s ambitious creation caught the attention of the French government, who invited him to bring his remarkable vision to life in Paris for the 1889 Exposition Universelle, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. Eiffel seized this opportunity and transported his design to the City of Light, where it was met with enthusiasm and awe.

And so, the Eiffel Tower rose to the skies of Paris, capturing the hearts of millions and becoming an enduring symbol of the city itself. Its elegant iron framework, towering height, and breathtaking views have made it a beloved icon, attracting visitors from around the world.

So, the next time you gaze upon the magnificent Eiffel Tower, remember its fascinating journey—from an unrealized dream in Barcelona to its triumphant rise in Paris. It’s a testament to the serendipity and wonder that can arise when plans take an unexpected turn.

Researchers had actually once turned a live cat into a telephone

Oh boy, get ready to have your mind blown by the wacky wonders of the world! So, picture this: we’re in a wild and weird experiment where a live cat takes on a completely unexpected role—a telephone! Yep, you heard me right, my friend. We live in a world where a furry feline can become a communication device. Strange, huh?

Let me take you back to the year 1929. Professor Ernest Glen Weaver and his trusty sidekick, Charles William Bray, were cooking up some seriously peculiar science at Princeton University. They had a mind-boggling idea to see how sound was perceived by the auditory nerves in a living being, and guess who their test subject was? That’s right—a real, live cat!

Now, before you start freaking out, let me tell you that the cat was sedated for this wild experiment. The professor and his assistant carefully opened up the kitty’s skull to gain better access to its auditory nerve. It’s like they were entering the secret realm of feline communication! They attached a telephone wire to the cat’s auditory nerve, and on the other end, they had a telephone receiver waiting to catch the magical meows-turned-phone calls.

The setup was complete. The assistant, Bray, would speak into the cat’s ear, and the professor, Weaver, would listen carefully on the other end, a whopping 50 feet away in a soundproof room. Can you imagine the conversation? “Hello, kitty! Can you hear me now?”

Here’s where it gets even more mind-blowing. Back then, folks believed that the frequency of response from a sensory nerve was related to the intensity of the stimulus. In plain English, it means that as the pitch of a sound increases, the frequency of the response in the auditory nerve goes higher too. So, as Bray made sounds in the cat’s ear, Weaver heard those very same sounds—meows, purrs, and all—coming through the telephone receiver. It was like a magical translation from meow to “hello.”

So, my friend, hold onto your whiskers because we live in a world where inventive minds take us on bizarre adventures. Who knows what other wacky experiments await us in the future? Until then, let’s appreciate the strange, wonderful, and utterly mind-bending tales of scientific curiosity!

Oh yes, sounds strangely amazing, doesn’t it? Well, Princeton researchers Ernest Wever and Charles Bray took out a cat’s skull and most of its brain to actually connect it to electricity. When after doing this they spoke in their ear, the sound could be heard through a phone receiver in another room. This twisted experiment actually gave birth to cochlear implant developments. Weirdly fascinating, huh!

The average cloud weighs around 1 million pounds

Prepare to have your mind blown once again because clouds are hiding a surprising secret—they can be unbelievably heavy! Despite their fluffy and ethereal appearance, the average cloud weighs a whopping 1 million pounds. That’s right, my friend, we’re talking about a serious heavyweight contender floating above us in the sky.

You might be wondering how something so seemingly light and airy can pack such a punch on the scales. Well, it all comes down to the science behind clouds. Clouds are made up of countless tiny water droplets or ice crystals that gather together in the atmosphere. These minuscule particles may be weightless individually, but when they join forces and create a cloud, their collective weight adds up fast.

Think about it like this: imagine a gigantic, invisible container holding all those droplets or crystals. When you add up their mass, the result is a colossal cloud that can tip the scales at a staggering 1 million pounds. It’s like having an invisible heavyweight champion hovering above us!

So, next time you gaze up at the sky and admire the fluffy wonders floating by, remember that beneath their cotton candy-like appearance lies an astonishing weight that would make any weightlifter envious. Clouds truly know how to pack a punch and remind us that appearances can be deceiving.

The shortest commercial flight in the world is 90 seconds!

You won’t believe it, but hold onto your seat because I’m about to tell you about the shortest commercial flight in the entire world! Picture this: you hop on a plane, buckle up, and before you even have a chance to finish your in-flight snack, you’re landing. That’s right, my friend, we’re talking about a flight that lasts a jaw-dropping 90 seconds!

Now, you might be wondering where this lightning-fast journey takes place. Well, it happens between two enchanting islands called Westray and Papa Westray in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. These islands are so close together that you could practically shout from one to the other, but hey, who needs shouting when you’ve got a super speedy plane?

But here’s the kicker: this isn’t just some wild joyride. Oh no, it’s an actual commercial flight. People use it as a means of transportation to connect these two charming islands. It’s like having your own personal teleportation device!

So, next time you’re looking to experience the most rapid flight imaginable, remember the astonishing 90-second journey between Westray and Papa Westray. It’s a true testament to the wonders of modern aviation and a story you’ll be sharing with your friends for years to come. Buckle up, take off, blink twice, and voila! You’ve arrived!

Do nutmegs cause hallucinations?

Let me tell you a little something about nutmeg. It’s this nifty spice that comes from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree. Pretty cool, right? Now, here’s the deal: some folks say that nutmeg can make you see things that aren’t really there. Yep, hallucinations! But hold your horses, my friend, because using nutmeg to chase those trippy effects is a big no-no.

You see, nutmeg contains a special compound called myristicin. In large quantities, it can mess with your mind and give you a psychoactive experience. Instead of magical hallucinations, consuming excessive nutmeg can lead to a whole bunch of not-so-pleasant symptoms. Picture this: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a parched mouth, a racing heartbeat, and even confusion. Not exactly the adventure you had in mind, right? People call these symptoms “nutmeg poisoning” or “nutmeg intoxication.” Not exactly party lingo, if you ask me.

Here’s the scoop: those who’ve tried nutmeg-induced hallucinations say it’s more like a dysphoric and downright unpleasant rollercoaster ride, rather than a delightful journey of the mind. Honestly, it’s just not worth it. The risks and negative side effects of downing large amounts of nutmeg far outweigh any wacky experiences you might hope for.

So, my friend, I’m giving you some sage advice: skip the nutmeg if you’re aiming for hallucinations or any other mind-altering escapades. There are legal, safe, and way more enjoyable alternatives out there. If you’re curious about exploring altered states of consciousness, it’s best to consult healthcare professionals who can guide you on your quest. Stay safe and keep that spice rack under control!

The eye is the fastest muscle in the body

Buckle up, my friend, because we’re about to take a wild ride into the world of super-fast muscles! And guess what? The speed demon of all muscles is none other than the magnificent eye! Yep, you heard me right—your peepers are the champs when it comes to quickness!

Just think about it for a sec. When something grabs your attention, your eyes spring into action like turbocharged engines. They zoom in faster than a cheetah chasing its prey! Blink, and poof! You might miss their lightning-fast moves.

These lightning-fast eye movements have a fancy name: saccades. It’s like your eyes are little superheroes, darting from one point to another with lightning speed. They scan your surroundings like the ultimate high-tech radar. Whether you’re reading, hunting for your keys, or taking in the beauty around you, your eyes zip around like they’re on a mission.

Now, here’s the thing: your eyes aren’t just one muscle—they’re a whole squad of muscles working together like a well-oiled machine. It’s a team effort, my friend! These eye muscles are as agile as acrobats and as finely tuned as a concert pianist’s fingers.

So, next time you catch yourself in awe of how effortlessly your eyes follow the action or sweep across a breathtaking view in the blink of an eye, give ’em a round of applause! You’re witnessing the magnificent speed of the ultimate muscle duo right there in your own two peepers. Your eyes truly are the reigning speedsters of the muscle kingdom! Ready, set, saccade!

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BTW, the eye might be the fastest, but the tongue is the strongest, as it allows us to taste, swallow and even speak all at once. Hmm, interesting to see the spoken word win over the seen instance, huh!

So, these were 10 facts I bet you didn’t know before. Hope you liked reading them as much as I enjoyed assimilating them for you guys. Stay tuned with us right here at Booxoul for the best in the field of entertainment, lifestyle, food, fun, finance, fashion, education, general knowledge, as well as all things bookish.

Adios Amigos!

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