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I never thought that a tea aficionado like me would write a review of a book with a pen in one hand, a cup of hot coffee in another. Yeah, I’m a tea enthusiast, through and through, and an occasional coffee drinker.

I am one of those people who believes that good things happen only to those who have a cup of hot tea in one hand and a good book in another. But this time, my idea shattered into a million pieces, as I embarked on a treasure hunt in the Coffee lands, unknowing what I’m going to bring back from my adventure. I am still reeling in the throes of reading this magical coffeelicious book ‘An Extreme Love of Coffee’ written by Harish Bhat.

It’s still hard to imagine how the Custodian Guardian of the Tata Sons Group and the Chairman of Tata Coffee LTD. can overwhelm readers with their very first fiction book, an adventurous coffee travelogue. An Extreme Love of Coffee’ is a uniquely conceptualized India’s first Coffee Book with a heady mix of adventure, travel, a bit of soft romance scattered here and there and no doubt loaded with loads and loads of Coffee.

At the beginning of the book, I couldn’t get in touch with the plot for two reasons I think: first, it was a little slow (obviously, it needed time to take shape), and second, I couldn’t figure out the’ Heads and Tails’ of where the story was taking me (needs patience, baby). But after 30 or so pages, I stumbled down in the wonderland of delicious coffee and beautiful places. I was totally lost in the story, with only the aroma of roasted to perfection coffee Beans guiding me to my destination.

I applaud Mr. Bhat heartily, the master-storyteller, for penning a story, for I could never have dreamed before that a tale could be spun around coffee in such delicious words and woven intricately into a book. I was enamored with the writing style, so sensuous and delectable. I could feel the genuine love and passion in every word he wrote.

Published by Penguin Publishers, this novel ranges across the beautiful places where Coffee is worshipped and can be found in every nook and cranny. The descriptions of weather, landscapes, and coffee were done passionately and in loving detail.

Reading the novel, was like sitting on my comfy chair, tucked under the warm and soft quilt in long winter nights at my Nani’s place and filling my lungs with the smell of the nutty aroma of walnuts, mild but deliciously bitter coffee.

On this journey to discover coffee and treasure hunt, the characters of the book became my best buddies. Slowly but certainly between Rahul and Neha, I could literally feel the electricity of growing love. I could also feel the happiness of my Coffee Ghost found in the company of those two. So many characters flitted in and out of the story, each with their own little tale to tell. What an incredible experience reading this book has been. I miss my old friends already.

I could go on and on about how amazing the book ‘An Extreme Love of Coffee’ is, but I got to stop somewhere, so to give you chance to check out the book for yourself. I say, go on, do read this potently heady Coffee book. Especially in this chilly season. Also, don’t forget your coffee while reading this book, or you will definitely going to regret it.

My Rating: 5/5 stars

An Extreme Love of Coffee

Buy now at Amazon

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Happy Reading 🙂

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