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Are you an Author or a Publisher? Waiting for your book to get the attention, the popularity that it deserves? Worried about the fewer sales number of your book? Wondering how can you get more book reviews on Amazon? or on Goodreads? Finding it difficult to engage with the readers?

First of all, stop worrying and take a deep breath ‘coz sometimes a deep breath can change your life. Wait, not just a deep breath, I mean you need to click a few times and fill a form too, to change your life. Why are we so humorous! ?

So, here’s the catch! You’re an author and your work is to write an awesome book which we guess, you already have (That’s the reason you’re at our ‘Book Review Service’ page. Are we right? If not, then do contact us with your query, here).

Book Review Form

But see, the cold truth is that it is just 35% of the total work, the rest 65% is promoting it and getting it sold.

So, all the other stuff like marketing your book and getting it reviewed, leave it to us. We will handle all of it. All you have to do is just take a deep breath, fill-up the form below and wait for our reply (which won’t take more than a few hours). ?

Our Book Review Policy

Welcome to Booxoul!

We are honored that you are considering us to review your Book!

We are always interested in hearing about new books and we love it when someone contacts us to review a book. However, we cannot accept all review copies. (We are pretty picky about Books)

Copies we are not accepting

We are a small community of voracious readers who love to read, and all of them have their own different favorite genres, so we are genre independent. We accept copies of all genres but…

We will not accept the copy if

The book doesn’t seem like something we are interested in.

What if we don’t like your book?

If we don’t find your book interesting, we will mail you (sorry if that sounds rude) because we believe that a straightforward NO is way better than making you WAIT.

Our time is important to us, and I’m sure yours is to you, and thus we have a policy of replying to emails within 24 hours. If for some reason you don’t get our reply within a day, feel free to contact us via our Contact Us page.

What forms we will accept

How much time will we take to review the book?

We don’t guarantee that by accepting or receiving a book, it will be read immediately or posted on the blog immediately. We’ve got an ever-growing stack of books that we want to read and a pretty busy life as well. We will try our very best to read and review in a timely manner but it’s not always doable.

Where will we post the reviews?

We post the review on our Blog, InstagramFacebookTwitter, Medium, Mix, Amazon, GoodreadsPinterest, and soon on Flipboard!

Before sending something for consideration, take a look around our Blog to get an idea/a feel of who we are, what we do, who our readers are, and how we do things.

We are updating our Contributors page and soon, you can even pick the contributor that you want to get your book reviewed by.

All of our reviews will be our honest opinion and it might be quite possible that we won’t enjoy your book and our review will be clear of that. We will give it a look and a fair shake, but that’s all we can guarantee.

If you have any query, then feel free to mail us on

Our Other Services

Still, don’t feel like signing up for our ‘Book Review Service‘?

Just give us a chance by talking to us about what you want? What’s in your mind on any of our social media platforms or through the Contact Us page.

Happy Writing!

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2 Responses

  1. Dear Neelam,
    I love reading books and talking about how i feel after i read one. I’m searching for a platform to review books. I read all kinds of books and i’m desperate for an outlet for my passion . It would be great if I was given a chance to review books on your blog.