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Love stories are always my weakness, especially the soft and slow romances. My teens years were filled with such books. I read Harlequin, Mills & Boon and Betty Neels ( now, now don’t go judging me). So yeah, when Dipnanda approached me to review her book ‘I am in Love with Shudh Desi Firangi, I so obvious, shrieked in excitement and dived in right on, in the book. ⁣

As they so famously once said that the first impression you get of the book is the beginning of the story. Well, I do agree with that! ⁣

Beginning of this book ‘I am in love with Shudh Desi Firangi’ is what goaded me to plunge in further. The first bite I took of this book had a perfect balance of all spices. It tasted of heartbreak, love and dreams. The story of I am in love with Shudh Desi Firangi by Dipnanda Bhaduri Roy was soaked and spiced in Rich Bengali Culture. Yummm… what’s more, did I need than the tantalising beginning. Of course, I needed a perfect end to the story, or rather I’d say a perfect beginning to the end of the story. And boy, was it amazing! The end was emotional, satisfying yet of course obvious. Doesn’t matter, though, does it?⁣
It is incredible to see how the author Dipnanda, made sure not to hustle things up while interweaving modern romance of Katyayni and Rudra and age-old love story of Shiva and Parvati, in a beautiful intricate pattern of pain, selfless and unconditional love. And the cherry to the cake was the narrative of the book, I am in love with Shudh Desi Firangi by Dipnanda Bhaduri Roy. It was done in a calm and collected manner. While reading it, I felt that I was part of the very story. Living each moment with the characters. Impressive! What’s more, the way the author portrayed her characters was incredible. It felt like she knew them well and had plucked them out of her life for her book. ⁣

I am in love with Shudh Desi Firangi by Dipnanda Bhaduri Roy, is a perfect beach read. This atmospheric read is going to win you over. I rate this book 4 on 5⁣

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