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Exploring a brilliant children’s fiction title that not only has interesting stories to offer but also excellent takeaways for both young and old. A book review of Jungle Stories with Tim the Tortoise by Priyanka Mukherjee.

If you ever want to see the true side of life, check out the world through a small kid’s perspective. All you shall see is a kaleidoscope of colours, a riot of happiness and all things beautiful.

Indeed, life is an odd and yet beautiful juggle. A convergence of brilliant, stark shining examples, assimilation of good, bad, and everything in between. But do we ever pay attention? In fact, we rarely pause to reflect on the many complexities of life, its mystery, and its spell-binding aura.

You know, I always believe that the best way to see life at its best is through the eyes of a child. Especially when he or she is trying to decipher human nature, its complexities, and the ways of the world. And, as a reader, I’ve always believed that children’s fiction, particularly in the early years of a child’s life, is among the most important pieces of reading a person does in his or her lifetime.

Yes, these books which form a part of early reading or children’s fiction as we address it, are not only important from the point of view of morale building, but they also provide wholesome entertainment, speaking of those commonplace adventures and instances in life, which we otherwise do not pay much attention to.

One such book which I recently read and finished is Jungle stories with Tim the Tortoise by Priyanka Mukherjee. A children’s fiction, this one has two stories contained here which are narrated by Tim the tortoise and told from the point of view of entertaining as well as educating the tiny tots, bringing them forth to a world which is exciting as well as appealing. 

Written in a simple yet tasteful and refreshing style, this duo of short stories is such that it shall not only cater and appeal to young ones but will also impress the older ones, thanks to the informative insights they offer.

I felt, the best part about the book, was its ability to be able to intrigue me so deeply, in spite of being children’s fiction. Usually, children’s fiction books are written following a particular pre-set format, trying to address the more important cause at the hand of giving younger readers a chance to read a simpler narrative with easy-to-read and understandable stories. 

Not only did Priyanka ensure this, but she has also made sure that she delivers something which is as great looking as it sounds. With brilliant, beautiful illustrations accompanying the stories, I was amazed by the way she managed to give a path for children to learn new stories, making them acquainted with the English language as well as Grammar and vocabulary also providing them with means for grasping as well as adhering to life-changing morals, all alongside beautiful illustrations and descriptions alongside each story.

You know how we feel when we someday gather around an elderly head of the group sort of a person and we tend to listen to the tales they have to narrate, all the while sitting childlike in wonder, picturing the exact situation he might be depicting at that point of time in our mind’s eye? Well, exactly my feeling here. I also felt like I was being transported to other places, whenever Tim the tortoise or any other character such as Dorothy, Elphy, Dalton or any other was giving us the jaunt through these tales of life.

Best part? Well, as I understand that Priyanka herself is a doting mother to a young lady, it must have been a brilliant as well as a fulfilling experience for her to be able to create these pieces of magic, something her daughter would have surely enjoyed reading as much as Priyanka must have enjoyed writing them.

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I strongly recommend this book, not only to children but all those who want to enjoy a slice of life and relive it to the maximum possible extent. Go, have a romp along those old childhood lanes, and delve into those tiny long-lost memories. Grab this one for your next pick for children’s fiction you guys.

Jungle Stories With Tim the Tortoise

Neelam Sharma
Author: Priyanka Mukherjee



Did you know that animals made their own ice cream? 
Did you know that penguins could sail a ship? 
Come and listen to these stories from Tim, the wise old tortoise of the jungle, along with Elphy, Dalton, Dorothy, Kaka, Nott and many more…


So, hope you guys liked the book review of Jungle Stories with Tim the Tortoise by Priyanka Mukherjee.

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Adios Amigos! 

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