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My Visits by Sahana Singh, a children’s fiction book that happens to be one of my first reads of 2023, is a simple, amazing, and illustrious account of her visits to daily places, yet written with wisdom that goes beyond her years. Tastefully completed with drawings made by her, bookmark this one for your next children’s read.

The best thing about childhood is the simple innocence that fills up the darkest of corners with light, the greyest of blues with colour and most importantly, effortlessly…

Indeed, I have always felt that childhood, with its purity and true innocence, is one of the purest joys one can ever come across. I mean, the way in which a child approaches and looks at the world is simply something I feel is the way one has to live life, in actuality. No strings attached, a sense of joy, a sense of simplicity, and thus a beautiful life That is what childhood is truly all about; that is what children are.

I recently read My Visits by Sahana Singh, and to begin with, I have to share that I actually am feeling like “the king of the world!” aka a proud parent figure who feels so accomplished to see their next of kin-—he Gen Z—grow and bloom in this manner. The book narrates her experiences in her own words while visiting multiple places such as the park, her friends’ home, the zoo, the fruit market, mountains, beaches, forests, a wedding, a railway station, a doctor, and even her mother’s office has been so candidly and beautifully shared by her that I could not pause a moment to acknowledge the pristine and pure manner in which this 7-year-old writer has poured her heart out for all to read and partake of. Written beautifully, she has added illustrations that she has sketched herself, which give these pieces of writing a deeper hue as they are the ultimate picturesque effect that only adorns and deepens the brilliance and simplicity of each piece, not only giving the details of each piece but enhancing it prettily, giving it the perfect value addition too.

You know, her story, especially the part about her trip to the airport, made me completely relate to and become infected with that childlike glee she has channelled through it, because, hey, don’t we all revel in those 100 windows, scurrying through big cottony clouds, coyly noticing other moms and dads taking their kids on such “flying rides”? 

Likewise, one more narrative that made me muse about the effortless simplicity of her writing was the one where she describes her rendezvous at a wedding. Yes, that is surely a place where people often fraternise, letting their hair down (well, not literally!), dance without fear, and have a great time. The bride is lovely, and she indeed walks with pride that I could feel reflected and being noticed with wonder and admiration in the words written by those little hands.

What a wonderful feeling it is to be a child author. As smooth and effortless as their writing is, illustrated with the innocence of their age, I have to admit that they confer and depict wisdom beyond ages. After all, isn’t true life all about simplicity, about loving and seeing the world through a lens that is unfiltered, unfiddled, and riddled with only love and wonders? You guys will see how her writing has turned me poetic too.

Like I mentioned earlier, one of the high points of this beautiful little book for me was the illustrations, aka the drawings used to depict each and every scenario, splaying colours on her mind’s canvas and breathing life into the pictures she crowds in her mind’s eye.

You know, in spite of having been written by a young mind, there is so much depth that I was uncannily dumbfounded at many places, discovering how Sahana has already deciphered through and cracked the deepest intricacies of life at many junctures. For instance, the way she narrated her experience at the beach, it was so observant for a young mind to notice how people go hand in hand, walking their way onto a hopeful path, witnessing children playing on the sand, and ceasing to worry about anything. Isn’t that the way life truly should be lived? Now that is what I call an illuminating, illustriously insightful narration, and that too at such a young age.


Choose this book not only for your children but also if you want to experience the pure, unadulterated joys of life firsthand. Being an excellent writer and already a star writer, Sahana has all the makings of becoming an even more successful author as she grows, owing to her unmatched writing vision and abilities. If you want your kids to read an original, fresh adventure, pick up this one in the new year.

My Visits

Neelam Sharma
Author: Sahana Singh


So, I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on Sahana Singh’s “My Visits,” a Must Read Self-Illustrated Children’s Fiction.

Let me know in the comments what you think of this one. Stay tuned with us right here at Booxoul for the best in the fields of entertainment, lifestyle, fun, finance, education, food, fashion, tech, and gadgets, as well as all things bookish.

Adios Amigos!

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