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Stifled Oneling by Dr. Stifled Oneling⁣

Books are born out of the tragedies and stories that surround us. Writing itself is a cathartic process that helps us deal with our demons. “Contemporary happenings” in the life of a Stifled Oneling !! by Dr. Oneling, is one such book born out of the woes. ⁣⁣
Over 150 pages long, this book is divided into ten chapters and an epilogue. Each chapter caters to different social evils from monetary issues to redundant religious superstitions to feminism, education and taboos, this book questions almost everything and leaving us rattled in the process with more questions in its wake. The book presents to us these woes of society but doesn’t get preachy. The author maintains that the aim of this book is to educate the masses about these issues and she knows that the change doesn’t come overnight. The concepts are all etiological factors – fear, society, and human ego – the three factors that cause the social struggles, the author discusses at length in this book. When I talk about the writing style of the author, it is quite lucid but hard-hitting. The author’s words drive home the point it harps on. The book is a quick read and one can see it more as essay-esque writing. ⁣⁣
I loved reading the author’s thoughts about the on-going issues. It gives the readers a vision to view these social norms that are sometimes forced upon us traditions. In my view, this book deserves to be read and understood, if you consider yourself a responsible citizen of this nation. This book pursues a solution and the ranting of the author comes out as a cry to wake us up. And halfway through reading the book did I understand, why did the author titled the book Stifled Oneling. ⁣⁣
Overall, this book give its readers a new dimension to think and contemplate our so called societal norms that ranges from religion, money, taboo, feminism. Kudos Dr. Oneling.⁣⁣

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