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Why Ram?




The author has done a great job in portraying the real nature of two women, not as someone who suffered a lot, but who treaded the path, they chose courageously. It’s a very inspiring book, written beautifully. I recommend it to everyone, especially women.⁣


Some books leave such a deep imprint on our lives, and it is unlikely that we’ll ever forget them. Why Ram? by Rakhi Kapoor is one of those books that I’ll cherish forever.⁣

The book follows two parallel stories of two powerful women; first of Mata Sita and the other of Lasaki. We are all well aware of Sita’s life from Ramayana. Lasaki is a version of Sita in today’s world. Adopted by a childless couple in a village, Lasaki was found on the doorsteps of a temple. She was loved and treated just like a princess by her parents, despite the snide remarks of the villagers.⁣

Lasaki grows up to be a strong and independent woman and marries Ram, a man who she met during work and loves dearly. But just like Sita’s life, Lasaki’s takes a disastrous turn. Suspicions grow within her family, and Lasaki leaves her house, not to be found again.⁣

Rakhi Kapoor answers all those questions that arise in our mind. Why did Ram act so cruelly? Why did he abandon her? Had not Sita devoted herself to Ram? Sita and Lasaki were not vulnerable. They were two women who decided their own path and fought bravely. Sita loved Ram, and she did not regret her choices. She would have gone through everything again, just for Ram. So would Lasaki.⁣

The author has done a great job in portraying the real nature of two women, not as someone who suffered a lot, but who treaded the path, they chose courageously. It’s a very inspiring book, written beautifully. I recommend it to everyone, especially women.⁣

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