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Hmm! Let’s get straight to the point then, shall we? We are super super mellowed down (I mean certainly tied up a home without any work or much activity for more than a year and a half is SUPER DAUNTING) yeah!!!

Surely this has been in a fair interest and safety of global health and safeguarding and preserving the entire human race(an APOCALYPSE having being cornered and defeated if reality be told). As responsible GLOBAL citizens we need to primarily make sure that the UNLOCKING, as the countries across the world are calling it has to be not only gradual but also CONTENTING, HEALING and FRUITFUL. Now before you start wondering what’s wrong with my terminologies, no SIR I mean  business. Yes, we do need our holidays, vacations and getaways. But let’s make them well planned, executed responsibly with consideration for all and also contentment for our own selves. 

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Okkie Dokies!! Now let’s dive into some of the fun part. You may have read exhaustively on which places to go to whilst visiting Australia, USA, New Zealand, Europe etc. Well, this blog is little different. No list of Itineraries, this one is a list of some of the most detailed To-do’s and check-in’s you need to bear in mind while travelling in a COVID and POST COVID SCENARIO. List of places is always readily available when it comes to that. However, apart from that, there are many pre-preps we need to follow and keep in mind before going on a successful, well planned and well executed trip anywhere.

1. Valid Passport
6 Things to Remember when planning an International Trip - Post Covid Travel Diaries - Passport

Ok , agreed this one’s clichéd. Your passport should be at least valid for a period of 6 months (universally acclaimed date) after your arrival date for your successful entry being granted in any country. Make sure you check your renewals properly before planning your vacation.

2. Correct cash/Currency
6 Things to Remember when planning an International Trip - Post Covid Travel Diaries - Currency

Carrying local currency of the place you are visiting is the best. However, do also make provisions for TRAVEL CREDIT CARDS  and such other options (for instance US Dollars are very easily exchangeable worldwide) in case you run out of money and want some emergency spare cash. Also, remember to inform your bank WELL IN ADVANCE about the vacation you are planning, short or pro longed to avoid any cyber phishing attacks or misuse of your cards/accounts.

3. Right Packing
6 Things to Remember when planning an International Trip - Post Covid Travel Diaries - Packing

This I personally feel, is the pivotal key to a successful, fun trip. Imagine carrying huge  over the top baggage, dragging it across the length of half the world.  No FUN!!! Not at all a pleasant experience to spoil your joys of seeing and exploring a new place. Be practical guys. Pack light, pack sensible (no need to pack a complete change of wardrobe for the entire period, pack single use sachets of detergents for easy self laundry). Carry fuss free, non-crease clothing, basically wash and wear and practical clothing like denims or such other for an easy roll over. Remember to carry an extra duffel to fit and dole in your shopping on your return.

4. Food
6 Things to Remember when planning an International Trip - Post Covid Travel Diaries - Food

Ok, I am pretty serious on this one. Vegetarians, please please do make provisions  well in advance before you even think of embarking upon a trip. A funny experience I’d like to share here; I visited a country abroad quite a few years ago. There was absolutely NOTHING I could eat there at that time since I am a vegetarian. When I landed there, I had to literally ask for fries slathered with ketchup to be stuffed between my burger breads and settle for them  to satiate my hunger.

 So much for a meal!!! 

Dry snacks with better shelf life like Khakras, Theplas, Multi-Grain Puffs and Crisps, Roasted Seeds, Nuts and Dry Fruits, energy bars, Dry Fruit bars should be carried without fail, to help you keep full and also ‘covered’ in case of contingencies like non availability of vegetarian food. Also dehydrated versions of pre packed meals, Paranthas (yes, I’m serious, they are a necessity, carry a small pet jar of pickle/chhunda along and your healthy breakfast is sorted!!) is important. If you are sporting and experimental you can also make a stab at this by buying out provisions from local super markets there and whip up your basic meals (saves a lot and you are fed well too). Carry a small travel cooker in this case.

Though, as an afterthought with the world fast turning vegan there might be better options opening up across the world for vegetarians.

Also an important thought, please do carry empty bottles when you start your expeditions for the day which you can easily fill at taps available across the cities. Water is generally expensive (like 2 Euros or 2 US $, I mean that’s like ouch !!) So why spend when you can simply fill and have it at your convenience. You can easily dispose them on your way back. Its not only FRUGAL but SMART SPENDING TOO!!

5. Important APPS like GOOGLE translate, LOCAL health APPS, GOOGLE Maps etc, for better movement and ease
6 Things to Remember when planning an International Trip - Post Covid Travel Diaries - Google Map

Yes , it’s a COVID ERA we are living in (much to our chagrin). Thus, it is very important to carry substantial systematic info as far as safe and easy travel  is concerned. You not only need apps to help you translate the local language of the country you are visiting but also GOOGLE maps to help you navigate your way around better. Also, make sure it is VITAL to be fully vaccinated and have your APPS in place as regards PROPER CERTFICATION of the same. Please do bear in mind that different countries are following different sets of rules upon ARRIVAL as regards COVID 19 testing, screening and Quarantine is concerned. Make sure you find out the ones that apply to you before you enter them. 

Also, Do top up your phone properly, so that you are not suddenly stranded, using all of these APPS whilst using the ROAMING data. Call up your service provider in advance, understand the international fares and roaming charges and take suitable plans as per your budget and needs. Wifi is available almost everywhere internationally. Try and make use of it to save on your prepaid data plans.

Also, don’t forget to carry your power banks, multi Country Adapters when it comes to your phones, tablets, Laptops or Handycams. And how can I forget the latest addition, masks. (Carry enough for double masking too!!, it is in VOGUE currently in some countries with the third wave gathering force)

6. Quality over Quantity

Hey folks, don’t just go on VISITING places for the heck of it. Remember, it is better to explore 2-3  new places in a period of 10 days than rather 5 places in 5 days and come back like sacks of dead ducks, grumpy and dissatisfied. Go for quality exploration. For instance, if you are visiting Europe cover 2-3 places if you have opted for a 10 day trip and more in case of a longer one. Remember, travelling to and fro between places, be it different cities or even countries of the same place also takes a lot of time. Don’t try to jump everywhere to be a jack of all trades. Rather EXPLORE wherever you are visiting, in detail  to your heart’s content, leaving  little scope for the next time.

Remember, a well planned itinerary can be well executed only if it’s PRACTICAL and has a scope for true exploration and discovery. Its  just not about visiting an X place and finishing up with it. You need to be truly PRESENT there to FEEL and be in SYNC with its beauty….

So happy and SAFE travelling guys, be responsible and have a blast!! Let’s GET BACK TO LIFE… 

Hope you enjoyed reading 6 Things to remember when planning an International Trip – Post Covid Travel Diaries

6 Things to remember when planning an International Trip – Post Covid Travel Diaries. 6 Things to remember when planning an International Trip – Post Covid Travel Diaries.6 Things to remember when planning an International Trip – Post Covid Travel Diaries

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