Book review: Sankat Mochan | Ashish Pandya

Does having faith really works? Can it change the course of our life? Book Review of Sankat Mochan by Ashish Pandya

Book Review of Sankat Mochan by Ashish Pandya
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Sankta Mochan

Ashish Pandya

Writing Style


Though the book is more on the line of life philosophy, it bore you. It in fact, is quite an engrossing read.


Does having faith really works? Can it change the course of our life? I read Sankat Mochan by Ashish Pandya this week, on this very same theme and here’s the review:⁣⁣

What is it about?⁣⁣

It all starts with Raghav, who has acquired a successful job at a young age and his life seems settled; just until the pandemic. One awful day, he’s called by his boss, and as you might have already guessed, is laid off. He gets started on the road to depression but is saved at the last moment by someone. Who? Of course I am not telling you that! Raghav and his friends, Lucky and Jhanvi, decide to start a startup; and all throughout their journey, someone is helping them, in some way or the other.⁣⁣

What do I think?⁣⁣

It should not be presumed that Sankat Mochan is fantasy or mythological fiction; it’s a story about having faith and not giving up. That if you are determined, nothing in the world can stop you. It is very motivational. Slightly philosophical. I really liked the characters and the plotline was amazing. The language is very simple .⁣⁣

What could have been better?⁣⁣

Well, I felt it was stretched a bit too much. It could have been avoided. Everything else was perfectly fine.⁣⁣

Do I recommend the book?⁣⁣

Absolutely yes for young readers and those who are getting started with their careers. Again, the book is motivational, and we need some motivation at this point in our life right? So basically, it will make a good read for everyone.⁣

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