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Be Careful What You Wish For

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul



An emotional roller-coaster ride worth exploring


I finished Be Careful What you Wish For by Laura J. Wellington and what a ride it was! I don’t have a single regret.⁣

The book starts with Evie, our protagonist, narrating her life story to a lady named Debra. Who is Debra, you might ask? Well, that is revealed at the very end and I clearly don’t have any intention of spoiling it before. Evie’s story unfolds slowly, with her meeting her soulmate at a party, marrying him, having a big family and then something devastating. Really devastating. Again, I can’t give out more details about it because all of us hate spoilers.⁣

The book is about true love; love beyond anything. It is about family; the topic that touches me the most. The storyline was amazing and I loved the characters. To be honest, I did not like the cover when I first saw it; and started the book wearily. But the story turned out to be totally different. An amazing one!⁣

All I have to complain about is the bit lengthy first half and an abrupt ending. It ended almost suddenly when I was having so much fun reading it. Anyways, the book says ‘To be Continued’ on the last page, and I am excited about what happens next! I wish the author all the very best for her

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⁣How did you like the book review of Be Careful What You Wish For? Let me know in the comment section…


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