How did you come up with this book? Anything particular that prompted you to write this book?
The whole novel was based off one very vivid image of a man and a woman dueling, with half a moonstone embedded on the hilts of both their swords.I got the idea from watching a ring my friend wore every day. I had to do a lot of world building from that image as muse.
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
I come up with most of the ideas by visualizing the chapters all day. Since it’s in a historical time period, I check to make sure even the smallest of details are consistent with the setting.
What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?
I come up with most of the ideas by visualizing the chapters all day. Since it’s in a historical time period, I check to make sure even the smallest of details are consistent with the setting.
I have always been attracted to history and fantasy, most importantly Indian stories about palaces, kings and queens. Half A Moonstone is set in a completely fictional Kingdom with completely fictional characters, something pretty uncommon even among Indian fantasy/his-fic writers.
I come up with most of the ideas by visualizing the chapters all day. Since it’s in a historical time period, I check to make sure even the smallest of details are consistent with the setting.
If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
Divergent. It is the most fascinating as well as technically sound book I’ve ever read. It continues to hold me spellbound.
Do you aim to complete a set number of pages or words each day?
Though I don’t write every single day, I try my best to write a chapter every 2-3 days to maintain consistency, as well as give myself enough time to think things through.
What do you think was the greatest turning point of your life?
I’m very passionate over dance, I’ve always wanted to dance and perform professionally. I had a major injury while dancing a few years ago. Though I managed to recover completely, it taught me a lot about priorities, my love for dance and life itself.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve always been writing, I guess, even before I could spell the words right. I remember falling in love with words when I was all of nine years old. Being a “writer” is a very personal, intimate and happy feeling to me, which comes every single time I create.
Often in life, it’s our greatest challenges that make or break us. What do you think is the determining factor between whether we grow by our adversity or are destroyed by it?
Attitude. “Growth”, to me, doesn’t always equal “winning”. We grow when we fail, we grow when we succeed. I believe that with lots and lots of patience and persistence, even the worst of situations can be converted into learning experiences. Looking beyond emotions and into the valuable lessons each adversity or conquest teaches us, is what I believe is the key to growth.
Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
Don’t apply undue pressure on yourself. We shouldn’t push ourselves if we’re not naturally inclined towards writing at that moment. Maintaining consistency is important, yes, but forced creativity is simply counterproductive. We aren’t content churning machines. It’s okay to take it slow!
Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the book?
Most of the characters are parallels of each other. For example, Damayanthi and Pradhyuman are both under the same sort of pressure. Where Pradhyuman submits to the situation, Damayanthi rebels. There is so much more to the characters’ psychology than what readers see in the book.

You can find her on my Social Media handles:
Facebook : Supraajha Murali
Instagram : @purpleearrings123
An internationally accredited book blogger, voracious reader and the founder of Booxoul, one of India’s leading book and lifestyle blogs, Neelam is a person with a penchant for bringing out the best in people. A website designer, a renowned book blogger and a leading creative influencer on Instagram, here is a lady who is candid, closer to life and sensitive to the softest of emotions…
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