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Booxoul Recommends 10 Best Ruskin Bond Books For Teens And Kids This Summer

Happiness is as exclusive as a butterfly and you must never pursue it. If you stay very still, it may come and settle on your hand. But only briefly. Savour those moments, for they will not come in your way very often.

Ruskin Bond

Indeed, words from the wise, relatable and impactful. That is exactly the thing about Ruskin Bond. Even though his style of writing might be simple, it is deceptive. Yes, you heard that right people! Deceptive to the point that no two sentences are alike and that is the kind of clarity he strives to attain.  Simplicity. This for me at least is what forms the core basis of creating the best kind of fiction and literature, especially for a group like teens who will resonate with the work, if and ONLY IF it is simple, written with alacrity and astounding reliability.

Of course, Mr Ruskin himself reiterates this musing that indeed, people sometimes want literature to be difficult and that he creates literature in a contrary manner. Yet, as he rightly says he strives to achieve one which is simple and conversational, which is surely the perfect equation for creating literature and fiction which stays with its end readers for long after they read it. So, today to celebrate this fabulous legendary Author’s vision, we at Booxoul have come up with the 10 best Ruskin Bond Book recommendations for teens. These recommendations will not only ensure that you have a list of some of the best works of the revered Author himself but will also keep the summer TBR list sorted for teens with a stark proclivity.

Ruskin’s first work was The Room on the roof, written at the age of 17, for which he got the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial prize in 1957. With a writing career spread over a period of more than 54 years, his work has been an assortment of novels, short stories, novellas, poems, children’s books and a lot more.

So, here are the 10 best Ruskin Bond books we at Booxoul recommend for teens this summer:

10 Best Books By Ruskin Bond For Teens And Kids This Summer


The Room On The Roof

The story of an orphaned 17-year-old Rusty, this one is an amazing foray into the diversity and customs of our country as well as an amazing story to be read and shared to inculcate ideas of self-discovery, and friendship, breaking the shackles of life, love and so on. No wonder Ruskin struck gold right with this one, winning a prize straight up for this one.


A collection of 30 heartwarming stories that are simple yet thought-provoking. Created in the heavenly surroundings of Dehradun and Mussorie, these are just perfect for a summer read. Each and every story crafted in this one holds not only a simple, yet endearing life message, the beauty in each one of them is literally food for the soul.


A Book Of Simple Living

Okay, I know many of you are going to be like why this one? This is a simple diary in which Ruskin has recorded small moments that show his harmony with self, the natural world, friends and family as well as random strangers. However, this one gives a very powerful message subtly- Don’t let the beauty of nature pass by inconspicuously, unacknowledged or ignored. That is because even though being simple, nature is beauty at its ethereal best. Point noted Captain and also to be forwarded to teens for sure.


Funny Side Up

A fantastic read for all ages, this one is unique coz of its wit, intuition and farsightedness. A book full of amusing, colourful characters this one is enjoyable writing delivered by him. Is countryside reading anyone, eh?


Vagrants In The Valley

The sequel to The Room on the Roof, this one is perfect owing to its reminiscent, witty and remarkable qualities. A real ode, especially to the young generation, this is surely one of his rare, complex (yes, for a change it is!), yet amazing pieces of work.


No Man Is An Island – Stories Of Friendship And Bonding


A Face In The Dark And Other Hauntings: Collected Stories of the supernatural

A superb ensemble of paranormal tales, this anthology of haunted stories will make you queasy and also make the supernatural appear absolutely normal and relevant and hence, harder to ignore.


Susanna’s Seven Husbands

The story of Susanna who has an affinity for falling in love with the wrong men this one is a novella also made into a famous movie “Saat Khoon Maaf” by Vishal Bhardwaj. It trails how Susanna becomes a notorious, merry widow who moves seamlessly, effortlessly from one relationship to another, from one marriage to another leaving behind a trail of dead husbands. A superb read.


Falling In Love Again

I know you guys will be like love stories-a recommendation for teens, huh? But this one is an amazing lineup of love stories infused with warmth and emotion, showcasing romance, joyousness, heartbreak, as well as a myriad of all those fine emotions which form the basis of our lives.

A beautiful read this one, guys.


Tales Of Fosterganj

A fiction that traces the journey of a writer who comes to live in Fosterganj and is caught up in a series of comic, astounding encounters which even culminate into a long night being locked up inside a haunted palace, there is pure wit and effortless storytelling in this one.

So, these were the 10 Best Ruskin Bond book recommendations for teens, to be read this summer. Hope you liked reading the article as much as we liked getting it for you. Do keep tuning in daily for your perfect dose of entertainment as well as the latest and the best from the field of travel, lifestyle, leisure, food, tech and gadgets as well as all things bookish. Right here at Booxoul, India’s best book review and lifestyle blog. Let us know what other book recommendations you would like us to bring for you and we shall be glad to compile and get them for you.

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Ciao peeps!!

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