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Perfectly Imperfect

Neelam Sharma,

Writing Style


Rohit Krishnan is a carefree Delhi soul born in a scholarly south Indian setting.

To make matters worse his rebellious instincts constantly land him into trouble, with every situation worse than the previous.

Academic success is unknown, the high school is his biggest nightmare, money is hard to come by and the family stays suspicious about anything he says or does. Rohit has an unenviable life for a 17-year-old.

But does any of this weigh him down? Certainly not! His friends mean the world to him, love is always in the air and the trips and recovers with equal indifference

Perfectly Imperfect is a dramatic journey of Rohit Krishnan up against an imminent 12th standard exam debacle

His nonchalance is what keeps him going, but how long will he be able to stay afloat in this big bad, unforgiving world?

Will Rohit survive the competition he is up against? Naïve as one is at 17, the story brings up pragmatic situations faced by a lot of us and deals with them like only Rohit can.


If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.

Brian Tracy

Indeed, our parents are the biggest mentors and guides we have in our lives. It is a parent alone who has the power to alter and change the fate of the child. Whether it is the ideal upbringing or leading him/her to the correct path in life, they are the true torchbearers.

Just finished reading Perfectly imperfect by Prabhu Subramanian. The take-off of the story was superb. Fun, satire, comedy you name it and it was woven beautifully in it. Rohit’s life was portrayed in a mix of eclectic emotions. I completely relate to the depictions of each and every episode that transpired through the course of his school and college life.

The display of emotions that are splayed through the love Rohit’s dad has for him and the relentless dedication with which he strives to ensure that his child achieves well in life is something that will make you go back to your older days. Remember, how our moms used to relentlessly work around the clock for us, never batting a single eyelid or complaining? Not to mention the inadvertent fasting they used to do to please Gods to ensure that we get nothing but the best possible desired results in our individual fields of education and career.

The language used in the narrative is simple so as to make it free-flowing in terms of the proper gait and relativity of the plot. 

It is indeed true that if you get determined to do something in life, you can do so if you have the right balance of will and dedication. Also, an important message that I noticed here which is pivotal is that an institution such as a school is only as imparting and effective as its best instructors. Big or small, the studying environment is equally important. The teachers are important.

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 A lacklustre organization will never be able to offer anything in the manner of a substantial takeaway or life teaching to its students. The satirical way of writing, especially pointing out the bottlenecks of the avaricious present in the society and its system, was nostalgic, reminding me of my time during the ’90s.  

Also, another very important aspect to note here is that our parents always desire the best for us and leave absolutely no stone unturned for our well being. For me, the story held quite a few pearls of the yesteryear charm in the form of little instances which were narrated in the course of the story. For example, the part where Rohit talks about how his mom fasts for him and his father and their well being, literally transported me back to older times.

Rohit, with encouragement, love and support from his father, shows the world that in spite of being an imperfect person, he can still be the perfect son. A fiction with a load of morale and value attached, this one is a window peep to the good ol’ times of the 1990s.

An excellent attempt at writing and sharing the story of a boy from the everyday pursuit of life, showcasing not only his realistic struggling side but also the manner in which he overcomes all odds, emerging victorious and perfect. Subtle yet power-packed writing by the Author manages to create the perfect blend of emotions as well as a strong message through satire, which is one of my favourite styles of writing. Technically, I’d say it is quite tricky to pull off this style as even a small error can make you land in trouble. But that is not the case with Prabhu as he balances out his concept pretty well, subtly yet surely wading his story successfully forward, making it realistic as well as message-driven at the same time. Keep up the good work Prabhu.

Looking forward to some more writing by Prabhu S. So that’s it from us at Booxoul today peeps. Stay tuned for more exciting content, fabulous book reviews, recommendations, entertainment, travel and lifestyle. Ciao!!  

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