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From a raw stone to becoming the most loved jewel bedecking the dazzle of the Book World-A rugged, dazzling journey @Booxoul by Neelam Sharma for The Bloggers League 2022

Indeed, literally, that was the case, guys. Back in 2017, a very a few years ago when I and my partner- in crime Apoorv Sharma embarked upon this wondrous, spellbinding journey, little did we know that we were to brace ourselves for some of the most difficult obstacles, harsh chastisements and a lot more in lieu of being honest and genuinely voracious readers. Nevertheless, Karma was kind and so was Destiny. 

So, here I am @Booxoul, one of India’s best book reviews and lifestyle blogs in 2022. Gotta admit though that it has been one amazing, crazy ride so far. When we started we had little idea in certain areas as to how to proceed and how exactly to go about certain things. Fortunately, time is a great teacher and most importantly there are always books you know. I mean “A Book carries a world unto itself” and we at Booxoul literally breathe books. Being an avid, voracious reader since childhood, the sound of turning pages is like a real soul-soothing experience to me first and foremost. Having said that I sincerely feel that writing is a powerful as well as an intensely aesthetic creative endeavour that should be perused very delicately and always acknowledged

Being a creative influencer, a lifestyle blogger I feel is a true escapade for me as it genuinely gives me a strong ground to tell people about the things I love the most. Today, I realize everyone looks out for the best recommendations, the latest and the most impactful daily happenings in the world of entertainment, books, travel as well as lifestyle. That is where we come in. Reading for leisure if coupled with vital bits of information always is a very enlightening and uplifting experience. That is exactly what I strive for and achieve at Booxoul every single day. To provide entertainment to uplift, refresh as well update and enlighten my community-the readers.

To tell you guys the truth I sincerely feel books have mystical power. Be it humour, self-help, fiction, chick lit, crime, mystery or any other they simply cast themselves upon the reader for a longer period of time, inspiring their senses, taking them on paths unexplored. If truth be told, especially during the troubled period of Covid19, I feel, we all have resonated with and come to accept the power and numerous nuances of reading. My goal since yesteryears i.e much before even the pandemic hit has been exactly that to get more and more people to read and inculcate the habit of reading and exploring newer worlds and horizons. I read each and every work of mine with the same gusto and the same goes for any activity I undertake to help my fellow Comrades and Authors grow and achieve their maximum potentiality. The same is with creating noteworthy and aesthetically refreshing, tasteful blogs. Blogs which one might like to read after a long, hard day at work after perhaps a hard day spent doing something we may not have enjoyed. The idea is clear- entertainment as well as enlightenment. I feel the blog should always be a breather, a gust of fresh breeze, designed to get contentment as well as a satisfaction to the reader. Be it a Book review, an author interview or any other concept I peruse and write about, I sincerely enjoy content creation and sharing.

Blogging, influencing readers and sharing new ideas is what keeps Booxoul so indulging and intimidating, I feel. This journey has been pretty rocky for all of us at Booxoul. From being procrastinated to chastised to even brutally ignored, Booxoul, my baby has come a very long way. It is, I proudly want to confess is India’s best book review and lifestyle blog in 2022. I feel content at having come so far. Am going to keep striving to achieve, newer, better peaks every day in this fantastic journey, striving to pursue pure, dedicated and genuine endeavours and giving my readers a peek every day into the magical world of reading, a hobby, a lifestyle I’d say should be primarily inculcated for a better living.

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Hope you enjoy reading my Journey In The World Of Blogging And Social Media Marketing – The Bloggers League 2022

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