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Conversations With My Love

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul

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Conversations with my love is a romance novel; but it is unlike any of them. It is a story of a man and woman in love, and their conversations. There are no complex plot twists or conspiracies in the book. It is simple, pure, love.


It’s always surprising to come across a book like no else and realize that despite reading many books, there will always be millions of them which I will never read; all of them different from one another. I am so happy that from that million book TBR list, I read a gem of a book called Conversations With My Love by Rajiv Kapoor.⁣

What was it about?⁣

Conversations with my love is a romance novel; but it is unlike any of them. It is a story of a man and woman in love, and their conversations. There are no complex plot twists or conspiracies in the book. It is simple, pure, love. And this is because the couple talks. They talk about every possible subject. Love, marriage, religion (the man is a Hindu and the woman Christian) everything. They leave nothing untouched. ⁣

What was different?⁣

It’s simplicity. It was so true and beautiful. It’s difficult to find that in books these days. Or in anything honestly. But, this book was so serene. ⁣
Another thing was that the book did not use names. Yes, it was all pronouns. I have never come across such a thing before and it was a nice experience.⁣

Why I loved it so much?⁣

As said before, the story is very simple. What entranced me was its writing. Though it is written in prose, I felt as if I was reading a gorgeous poem. It was so beautiful and I did not want it to finish. The book is very small( a disappointment) and I took it as slow as I could, enjoying it slowly, wishing it to not end. Rajiv Kapoor has crafted a mesmerizing book and I thank him for it. I also recommend this to everyone because it will definitely give you something.⁣

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