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A Higher Conversation

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul


About The Author

Poet, Thinker, Writer, Metaphysical Philosopher. Being a well-traveled, cosmopolitan writer, Neil has extensively absorbed the languages, backgrounds, religions, and cultures of our uniquely beautiful planet. Neil uses his soul as his compass in which he navigates another way to be human. Through his book, he hopes to illuminate this same compass for others so that they can discover their untapped potential. Based out of Toronto, He is an avid reader and a diehard nature lover. He observes, learns, and adapts from nature. His favorite movie – Avatar. He does not have one favorite book, but many favorite books. One author he admires is Ben Bova. He strongly believes that our thought is our life driver. From our thoughts we craft and create our experiences in life. His best line is: “I AM – Two of the most powerful words in existence, for what you put after them – You Become. Neil and his family enjoy their free time hiking, camping, and enjoying life’s endless experiences.


Human existence is abundant. Inside a million particles of the earth, human exists, has existed and will exist in their totality to understand the scope of how nature functions and trying and controlling it. Within all of this, often humans derail too, escaping the path and jumping off the wagon and doubting upon it’s own existence. Moulding his choices influenced by the surroundings, amalgamating his soul with the words of others and forming a new self that is not his own. Amidst all this, human himself loses the connection between the three main structures of himself: mind, body and soul, disintegrating each out of his control and working under their influence and temptation. In a hell-bent world of doom and devastation around, human easily slips off the cliff and away from the grasp of safety, white toothed monsters of his misled destiny dragging him to the sands of decimation. 

Something that I loved about this book is that I could easily leave apart my judgement and my own prejudices to read the book in neutrality, understanding my own existence’s importance, need and want. Often that I as a human have tried to question this and maybe now I understand that I am hopeful that I matter to this universe of matter.

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Neil David Chan has written a conversationalist non fiction in the footsteps of self-help about his own observations and thoughts upon the existence of human being, his connection with the higher world and his own inner world.

Written in the most subtle of writing styles, prose sounding neither too slack nor too preaching, almost forcing down ideas and choking you with help you didn’t ask for. While self-help has never been my favorite, Chan’s book A Higher Conversation is a breath of fresh air. Thus, revel on the ramblings of an inspired mind, who has used words to express his knowledge of the world and his own self. Read to get a sense of higher conversation, a conversation within your own inner soul with the outwards energy that guides the universe’s functioning.

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