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A Jar of Pebbles: Stories from the Heart

Neelam Sharma,



A Jar of Pebbles celebrates the ordinary, the absurd, and the exceptional. In these days and times, when pandemic-induced lockdowns have forced social distancing, this collection talks of the warmth and learning of human connections. Memories of growing up in a small town in the 80s and 90s predating the social media, and lessons from parents who never used a manual then, are tenderly captured for posterity. Simple snippets of human effort, and kindness are narrated with empathy and humour. The anecdotes speak to the generation that did not have the Internet as well as to the generation that cannot live without it. The language is simple, straight from the heart, and not a claim to the grandiose. It is a soulful read in this busy world we live in today to inspire hope, share a laugh, and possibly pass on a bit of learning.


Sometimes, the simplest of things seem to hover and become a necessary mindset for us, imparting colloquial yet worthwhile wisdom to cherish for keeps…

So tell me such a title folks which has been simplistic yet relevantly familiar tugging at the deepest strands of your soul, making you relive the beauties of everyday living??

For me, this was a title of defining incredulity in its truest terms. A nostalgia full of innocent yearning, this one promises to tickle the sore buds of your heart strings giving it that “heal” and that “oh I can feel this one truly” kinda feel. An assortment of simple yet soul stirring tales that come straight from the writer’s schamltzy experiences over the course of his trysts with life.

An entrepreneur by profession, this gentleman uses the time in between to create such insightful, indulging pieces of writing. A bollywood fan, his love for the silver screen comes across as not only entertaining but also gives a freshness to his writing as that reflects the same. A coming of age write up, imcorporating anecdotes from across different points of time, this one portrays the whole time and generation jump and the changes aka growing pains we have experienced but with a thoughtful musing.

Remember, how we tend to connect with fuss free, uncomplicated stuff better than the whimsical ones?

This title is exactly that. ‘A Jar of Pebbles‘.

A light, fuss free yet introspective and insightful read. Making you experience happiness, sadness, peals of laughter, depair, hope and countless emotions at the same time. It is the writer’s debut work and I believe he has absolutely hit this one out of the park! Because a successful book and work is simply not only about flawless writing or strong content, rather also about being able to get that emotional connect right with your target audiences. This title manages to do that with its simplistic yet innocently subtle yet endearing, warm metaphoric stories.

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Indeed, the life changing, defining facets of life are not only challenges and difficult scenarios rather also the little incidents that transpire in the daily course of living. They may seem irrelevant at that point of time but they surely have a cataclysmic, life altering impact on our personalities.

Take for instance, his candid rendezvous on “What is the meaning of life?”
The different vantages put across for different people at the same point of time hit silently yet hard, making us pause and think “what really is life from MY OWN personal perspective?

The writing is beautiful, the flow relatable and the writer has taken care to keep it simple, engaging yet a fun read.

A superb creative indeed in finding happiness in the ordinary.

Like Dumbledore said,

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, only if one remembers to turn on the light..

This work is indeed, that little beacon of hope and light.

Well done!

Pick the book if

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Age Group

18 years and above

About Author

Krishna Mohan Tata is an entrepreneur and story teller. When not grappling with deals and contracts, he chooses to be starstruck by the magic of movies. With business goals in his head and the romance of the silver-screen in his heart, Krishna sets out to understand and write about the good, sad, and the funny that life offers.

Author Profile: LinkedIn
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