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I usually dislike reading spiritual books. I don’t know why, but every time I read a book that falls into the spiritual genre, the alarm in my mind starts going on. Ting Ting Ting…Not a word registers beyond that. But then comes books such as ‘Chats With God In Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff, which grabs your attention and won’t let your mind rest until unless you have read the novel in its entirety.  

Chats With God In Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff is a spiritual fiction book that encourages the reader to understand the basic nature of mankind and also forces us to ponder over religion and it’s the effect on humanity.

The story revolves around God, who descends on earth in the form of a human named Rogelio. He befriends John and with his help explores different religions and cultures by inviting heads of different faiths and discussing it on length.

I got to learn quite a lot about different faiths, the role of religion and spirituality, and why they are so important. Through this book, we get answers to many questions mainly relating to nature, human behavior and God’s role in it

Despite it being a spiritual book, what I liked best about Chats With God In Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff was the way it was presented in a story form. Even the narrative of the author is quite engaging. One can see that the author doesn’t believe in stretching the story with unnecessary words.

I say, this book should be read at least once, if you like to read spiritual books. I give it a 4 on 5.

Can’t wait to read it? Buy your copy of Chats With God In Underwear using the link below.

Book review of With God In Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff
Book review of Chats with God in Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff
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