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The Hangover of Choices

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul

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Crying never feels good until and unless it is for a book. We book lovers love that burning sensation in our eyes when it’s for a character from the book or an emotional story, don’t we? People think we are crazy, but who cares?!

I have found the perfect book for you to cry over. The Hangover of Choices by Deepa Agrawal is such a heart-wrenching and beautiful story; I am in love with it. It is somewhat similar to If I Stay by Gayle Forman, in the concept.

The story starts with our protagonist and her friend on the way to a party. There’s a car crash and the MC is whisked to the hospital. She is in coma; doctors are baffled because there does not seem to be any major injury. And here’s the twist: she becomes a third person and becomes witness to everything that’s going around her. She also revisits her past, again, as a third person and wonders how the choices she made were meant for her or were made to appease someone else.

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This book made me pause and forced me to ponder over my own choices. It’s incredible to see how a book can one to falter in their steps. Render them speechless.

This journey of realisation and self-actualisation is heartbreaking and amazing at the same time. The new perspective, her determination afterward was not easy to read.

The language and the narrative of the book are top-notch. The book is not much long but it grips you so hard, you can’t leave until you are done. Kudos to the author for writing this story, it was wonderful.

Believe me or not, The Hangover of Choices by @deepawriter is a must-read.

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