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The Resurrected- From Despair to Hope and Beyond

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul



The Resurrected is a collection of true stories of ordinary people who face sudden adversity and tragedy, and not only survive but overcome their problems and rebuild their lives.

Pooja, her husband and two children are diagnosed as HIV positive. After her husband’s death, Pooja is thrown out of her home by her in-laws and has to face hostility and humiliation from society apart from pressure from her parents to remarry. Vinod seems destined for a life of crime after an accident leaves him physically challenged. He wants to change but his past catches up every time. Nagammal, an elderly fisherwoman, loses her grandchild, daughter and husband in the tsunami of 2004. The family boat is also lost, the only means of income, which leaves her in deep despair. For these people the future appears bleak and hopeless. But they do survive and find meaning and purpose in their lives. These are just a few of the stories that form a part of this unforgettable collection.
Each and every one of these moving and inspirational stories is an incredible tale of survival and hope and will surely touch the heart of every reader.


Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen almost like magic.

Laini Taylor

Indeed, hope is that beacon of light in life which can light up even the darkest tunnel of uncertainties and qualms and that is sheer magic created by it even in common place everyday life instances.


The Resurrected: From despair to hope and beyond by Saugata Mishra is a collection of short stories inspired by everyday life happenings, atrocities and circumstances that compel us to not only appreciate the worst in life but take life changing lessons from it too.

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Intense life core realities like abuse, addiction, domestic violence, trauma, suffering etc are put across in a manner not only realistic but true to life in a manner of a takeaway, making us stop and think to mull and look back at the scenario and grasp the complete complexity of the emotion that undergoes a change as a result of that happening.


Take any story from this compilation. It enlists a journey of its own. A journey enamoured by loss but balanced by hope, one enlisting despair, pain and suffering of different sorts but at the same time leaving positive, uniform learnings at the end compelling us to bask in the power of positivity, optimism and hope.

You know what? We humans always tend to rationalize each and every scenario and always try and create an aura of self pity around our own selves, especially when we encounter any problem.Even though,it maybe small we tend to blow it up , shouting ourselves hoarse ,blaming the misfortune. This book has actually gone and explored the scenarios where such unfair treatment is ACTUALLY meted out by life and braved by individuals. 


Talk about conquering the daily demons of life and this is your go to title for sure.Sometimes, we tend to not realize what little things can do in our life by way of a life changing influence.


The Taj attack story for one, intrigued me, making me completely appreciate the true aura of positivity and survival factors. When we read about true life happenings, we start appreciating how blessed we really are, having to not face any of them at all. Think about those who have lost their families in natural calamities for instance. Or say if someone is sole survivor of a terrorist attack. Life, actually is not always easy. The idea is to fight those scenarios, overcome the bottlenecks and keep fighting.


The narrative is lucid enough with a crisp language. Heart warming descriptive with interesting plot lines and intriguing narratives make up for a very good compilation.


With every trying instance of life you are either a victim or a survivor.

It is all about the choices we make and how we choose to deal with the scenario. Either approach and conquer it like a warrior or subjugate yourself to its negative, overpowering aura.


This narration is a true saga glorifying the common placed individuals, bringing forth their struggles in a bigger light and giving them a heroic position towards the end.


Go and grab this one to devour, understand and appreciate true facets of life. A fine piece of writing by the Author Saugata Mitra.

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