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First love is a rare lucky charm. Always wear it close to your heart.

A beautiful quote from a wonderful story of first love titled Premier Amour: First Love by Author Abhay.

Premier Amour: First Love by Abhay

Neelam Sharma,

Writing Style


A love story that is at once exciting and tender!

The fact and fiction about love stories inevitably merge at some point, and one becomes the other. Premier Amour – First Love brings out this truth vividly. Every soul that has loved will encounter many déjà vu moments – a medley of “been there, felt it all” feelings that the novel oozes from start to finish.

Intense or hilarious at times, and heart-wrenching or ecstatic at others, the emotions are very real and relatable. “Sharp, soulful romance” is how one beta reader put it succinctly. The unique backdrop of the desolate and divine Zanskar valley adds to the richness of the narrative. Its imagery grows on the readers as they read on. “It’s almost like one’s calling” is how another beta reader described the experience.

Through the many twists and turns of the plot, the lead characters Bhanu and Bhushan have varied feel-it-yourself experiences to share, the most important one being, “love rightly, live rightly.” And if it is first love, it’s all the more for keeps! Nothing else comes even close.

Sonal Dabral, Ad Guru, sums it up well, “Don’t just read this novel. Savour it.”

Some lines from the novel to walk the talk:

A woman’s heart in love is like a peacock in the rain. It has to give in to much singing and dancing, flutter its rainbow feathers and spread them in an oversized arch, then strut all over the place wearing that colourful cloak, announcing to the world that it is the season of love.

First love is a rare lucky charm. Always wear it close to your heart.

To love and to lose in love, is worse than not to love.

“I am still recovering from a fractured heart, and it is unfair to give someone something that is broken.”

Some women prefer to win their man, not steal him.

Let’s ride the tide, love is by our side.


Indeed, absolutely relatable and resonating, especially with me since I have always believed in the mystique as well as the captivating power of first love. First love is something so pure, so unadulterated that I sincerely feel that it is the most wonderful feeling in the world, unmatched by anything and absolutely unparalleled. It is that whiff of fresh air in our lives which might otherwise be marked by the monotony of simply leading on…

A love story, set against the backdrop of the Zanskar valley, exploring the intricate, delicate threads of first love and its progress through heartbreak, grief and overcoming the same to find it back, this title is absolute freshness itself. As far as the story goes, the protagonists, Bhanu and Bhushan, their life depictions, their foray onto the path of love, their ups and downs have been portrayed keeping not only the mushiness of first love in mind but also exploiting the complete real-life connections and relationships involved in these two individuals’ lives. 

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As the story proceeds with its roots from the Zanskar right up to Cannes, France it presents a wonderful kaleidoscope of all those emotions that are splayed upon the lives of Bhanu and Bhushan who, against all odds life hurls at them, emerge alongside each other, successful in love, truly worthy of each other casting the perfect example of fulfilling the ordinaries and shortcomings of life making it special and worth living. The complete camaraderie splayed, the fine balance of emotions, the highs and lows are what make it not only an indulgent but an absolutely immersive read. It is always enjoyable to read love stories, more so those which are full of the ups and downs which make life what it is touted to be, a complete rigmarole yet an enjoyable and challenging roller coaster too.

Abhay’s writing has put across the complete essence of love, its heartwarming as well as heart-wrenching facets, fusing them seamlessly together making us realize how first love which is one of the most beautiful experiences of one’s life can also be one of the biggest challenges, thanks to several macro aspects like the familial backgrounds and concerns, lack of trust and so on. The quotes put in here by Abhay are superb and so is the complete manner in which he has put forward the characters as well as the execution of the story. There is an innate beauty, refreshing and innocent, in any relationship and that is what should be always considered pivotal and celebrated, which is exactly what Abhay has done through his writing. Love, the blossoming, the fading out and the re-emergence, all of it has been portrayed very beautifully through this story. The best part about the story was the fact that not only the highs but also the lows of the relationship, the ergonomics of the interpersonal equations were splayed in a manner that was relatable, realistic and at the same time gave a very vivacious, zingy kind of feel to the narrative.

So that was my review of Premier Amour: First Love by Abhay which is a unique, soft romantic kinda read. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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