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Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by singularity. It should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a remembrance.

John Keats.

Soft Glimmers and Shinning Stars

Neelam Sharma,

Writing Style


Soft Glimmers & Shining Stars is a collection of soulful poetry centered around love, hope and life. It reminds you to be kinder to yourself and gives you the opportunity to reflect. If you want to be moved, inspired, and rejuvenated, all the same time, this is the book for you. Read it and shine on.


Indeed, poetry is a beautiful  window, an aesthetic one, enabling a creative release of emotions, pent up feelings, musings to the world by a poet in a manner he/she deems fit. It can be demure, subtle or flamboyant and loud, no worries. The main idea is to ensure that those poetic thoughts are conveyed across to the end reader beautifully and in a rather heart touching way.

A collection of poems divided into three parts putting across a person as he appears to the world, as he appears to his near and close ones and as he actually is in reality comprise this compilation.


Written in the free flowing verse style, these compositions are simple yet very soothingly written and will make you relate with hope, love, affection, achievements, acceptance and so on.

The little sketches that follow the write ups add not only the element of imaginative expletives to them but make the entire collection come alive. I also like how the poet has written each work in a manner so as to give it a takeaway in the manner of positivity, light, hope and all other such optimistic emotions at the closure of these pieces. There is something endearing as well as relatable about those little sketches which make them pop up to you and stay on with you for a long time even after you have finished reading the piece. They add that element of visual aesthetics as well as beauty to it.


These pieces, endearingly created have simplicity as their core element, yet are effective enough to convey their message thoroughly.Indeed, the simplest of things sometimes have to be conveyed equally simplistically.


From everyday simple life musings to extra ordinary life changing, thought provoking, the poet manages to put across an array of delight which is both heart warming and elegant at the same time.

Sharing some lines from a poem, Hope I particularly enjoyed,

Knock knock

“Who’s there?”, I asked.

“It’s me – Hope” a thin voice whispered, “Let me in.”

“I can’t”, I said, “You’re highly unhealthy for me”,

You take me to places I can never go to

And make me dream of the unimaginable

Of success, love and happiness 

Only fools think they can have it all.” I retorted…

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My personal favorite pieces are Hope, Competition, Chasing and quite a few others too. They are like little nuggets of life, each one packed with a different emotion, a different musing, giving a powerful takeaway towards the end.


The simplicity of the ideas yet effectiveness and the beautiful manner in which majority of the pieces have been put across is not only heart warming but good, modern poetry at its experimental peak.


So go ahead and grab Soft Glimmers and Shinning Stars one with a mug of coffee. Push aside your melancholies in a corner as this one is sure to drench you in a chasm full of warm sunshine coupled with optimism. Written in a reader friendly way, this one surely is not only a sweet collection to treasure but also ideal to gift someone who likes to read quirky, different, simple poems.


If you don’t like reading Poetries

How did you like the book review of Soft Glimmers and Shinning Stars by Niki A. Let me know in the comment section…

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