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Book review of The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj

In bleak times this book is a beacon of light. Book Review - The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj


Author: Megha Bajaj

Editor's Rating:

Break-through. A little plant breaks through the earth and comes to the light. The first ray of sunlight breaks through the abyss of darkness and spreads light all over. A silver lining breaks through the black clouds, marking hope in times of despair.⁣

Apart from these well-known breakthroughs, you will be fascinated after reading The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj. The book covers stories of eleven ordinary-became-special people, who grabbed their chance and had their breakthrough moment. The author travelled around the country and collected the stories of these eleven people, and that breakthrough moment.⁣

This book can also be categorized as a self-help guide despite the story aspect. There are teachings sprinkled all over the book and loads to learn. The stories are extremely inspirational and encouraging. The way the book has been written has acquainted me with the characters so well as if I know them personally. Megha Bajaj’s writing style is such that will make you laugh as well as bring tears to your eyes. It’s influential.⁣

It’s enjoyable and awing to read the stories of people just like us, their struggles that they feel like our own. The narrative of the book The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj is very lucid; you just flow along with it. The only flaw that I found in the book was it was a little stretched, otherwise, I liked the book very much.

Can’t wait to read this book on the 11 trailblazers? Buy your copy of The Breakthrough using the link below

Book review of The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj

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