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 Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.

Carl Sagan

3 & The Emerald Stone Of Irene by Vinod Raman Nair

Neelam Sharma,

Writing Style


Indian architecture offers one of the most glorious forms of built heritage anywhere in the world. India, with its geographical expanse, rich history and A legend for many, a bedtime story for a child; but the Occult Stone that Empress Irene gifted Harun-al-Rashid during his conquest of Byzantium in 782 AD, the stone with the light of fortune, referred to in history as Noor-e-Abbasid, lies deep-buried at an ancient, unearthed desert city Al-Rafika.
With every common man pushing Al-Rafika as one of the stories from the Scheherazade’s Arabian Nights, the legend reaches a flashpoint, when 3 high profile assassinations sweep the world. The only common link between the killings was a glittering golden arrow found near them. The Order of the Nine Angles, a dangerous neo-Nazi Satanic Organization, has set itself in the quest of the stone, to accomplish its greatest dream – The New World Order.
As the dark horses of terror start riding across the world, an adventurer, a historian and a spy come together to unearth a deadly macabre of events. Battling the Berbers of Tunisia, to the cryptic and perilous Caucasus Mountains, through the necropolis of Turkey, to the mystics of the Tigra, and then finally to Al-Rafika, the ‘3’ follow the deadly trait unravelling the marvels of the glorious Islamic Caliphate, to stop the dark lord, Nergal, and his mission of a GLOBAL RAGNAROK.


Indeed, fantasy and adventure form such an interesting amalgamation of indulging as well as an intriguing form of fiction then one cannot help but only be sucked up into the vortex of the endless possibilities the stories of this genre take us into. It is like diving into an endless chasm, a world of colour and oblivion where we can only marvel at the sheer magnitude of creativity and imagination bestowed upon us. On top of this if history is also added as an additional element and that I feel it makes up for a combination made in heaven. Actually, movie material if you ask me.

Usually, I indulge in and read all kinds of books as long as they are interesting and offer enough juice to whet the appetite on my hungry mind. But, fantasy and history happen to be one genre that always gets me excited, thanks to the huge array of exhaustive, intricate detailing, the larger than life multitudes of descriptive worlds created, the fine storytelling and so on. Action and adventure is always a genre I feel, which all can enjoy, young or old alike. An escapade where you tend to forget the ordinaries of this mortal world, escaping the mundane of the usual life, diving into unexplored, stranger lands…

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Do you like action and adventure reading? Isn’t the fast-paced, pulse racing genre something we all love to dive in, at some point of time during our reading routines? 

The nerve-wracking gait, the ruthless progressions and on top of it if the story is something which is moving at a breakneck, uncanny speed phir toh bhai Mazaa hi Aa jaata hai.

Our title in review today, 3 & The Emerald Stone of irene by Vinod Raman Nair is one such piece of writing. An amalgamation of fantasy, history as well as adventure, this one promises to be as intimidating as it is entertaining. The plot which revolves around the stone gifted to Harun -Al-Rashid during his conquest of Byzantium in 782 A.D by Empress Irene is racy as well as well researched as far as the historical backdrop goes. Also, noteworthy is the manner in which the story proceeds with different occurrences all happening at one point of time that blend mystery, history, fantasy as well as an adventure so seamlessly that one cannot simply chance at losing the thread of the story for an instant.

Vinod’s writing is superb and his characterizations to are praiseworthy. There is a meticulous exercise done to ensure that each and every fact and detail related to the story has been sought and worked upon industriously, taking care to ensure that it makes up for an absolutely delightful end product. 

I also enjoyed the description of the Neo-Satanic organization as well as reading about the war of Byzantium. What generally happens is that people like to watch such stories rather than religiously read them but in this case, I must confess, Vinod, through his writing skills has ensured that not only will the readers enjoy reading the descriptive and facts for one, they will also like to indulge in and revel with the historical detailing of the story.

Pictures that not only add more to the content but also the overall presentation of the book have been added, also helping one break the monotony and tirade of heavy, intense reading.

A very good historical, adventure read. 

I hope you like the book review of 3 & The Emerald Stone of Irene by Vinod Raman Nair. Do let us know what you think in the comments.

So that is it from all of us here at booxoul today. Do keep coming back for your regular, usual dose of lifestyle, entertainment, travel as well as all things bookish. Not to forget your favourite book recommendations, book reviews too. Coz hey, we simply love books.

Ciao people…

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