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The Internet Moguls Of The World By Avi, Raya And Avianna Arya – Exploring The Successful Entrepreneurship

The Internet Moguls Of The World

Review by Neelam,

Writing Style
Ease of learning


If you are reading this we believe it is by design. This book you hold in your hands is an effort by two teenage girls and their dad to find a purpose that brings them together for a few hours every week. From balancing school assignments and travelling to the world’s top business conferences, this daddy-daughter team have travelled the globe and then used personalised micro-videos to reach out to successful entrepreneurs who balance work and family with blissful ease and share these learnings inside this evergreen book.
Every chapter in this book is in a question-answer format that allows for easy highlighting of the best practices to start a new business or to grow an existing venture while making more time than ever for your family.


Sometimes the best lessons in entrepreneurship often do not come from super high profile business magnets or enterprising influencers alone. People who have been there, to live through each and every bottleneck, sifted through the difficulties, precariously balancing themself as well as their entrepreneurial stake are the ones who are the true business managers and marketeers.

I happened to read and get very useful information from such superb assimilation of a treasure trove of data compiled by this fabulous trio of a Father and his 2 teenage girls who have come together to form a powerful team, one which is not only inspiring but educating as well.

The Internet Moguls of the World by Avi, Raya and Avianna Arya is the ultimate handbook that is in a Q n A format, highlighting the best practices to be adopted while starting a new business.

What struck me as unique was the approach as the trio apart from having added the data after corroborating it with some of the best who have “been there done that”, have also managed to succeed in showing the readers the correct work-life balance. They have stressed the importance how it is also equally important to ensure that you spend good quality time with your family whilst trying to achieve the perfect, successful entrepreneurship.

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Assimilating a collection of both stories as well as interviews from founders who had to deal with issues and how they managed to overcome them forms one part of this superb handbook. 

What was especially rare to see was the fact that not only successes but failures have been given equal importance as the writers firmly believe that both successes, as well as failures, give you an equal amount of knowledge and expertise as a takeaway and it is up to you to be able to grasp from it well.

I would firstly want to label this one down as one of the most ideal handbooks to be read by startups aka aspiring entrepreneurs. It gives information right from the grass-root level so that anyone can learn from and adhere to the data provided while building their startup from scratch.

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The complete manner in which the online platform, the cyberspace as we call it, has become the essential core of any great business, especially in recent times has been mulled upon and explained in minute detail. From giving you successful pointers to digital marketing to using the Internet connection to people, from podcasting your way to success to amping up your YouTube game, from focusing on the right mindset to succeed to giving a blow by blow perfect ergonomics of a successful online web marketing, all the data has been laid down, meticulously, intricately in a very reader-friendly QnA format, making it highly approachable. Not to forget the questionnaire and the light bulb moment for the readers after every chapter to help in jotting down the necessary core takeaways from that particular aspect.

I am sure you guys will be like ‘There are several books, handling this topic and giving mine of information. Agreed. Yet, I want to differ on one aspect. There are very few books that address all the issues in such an approachable, indulging, reader-friendly manner and this is one of those books.

Instagram building, content creation and marketing, using YouTube as the ideal way to earn money and the ultimate success insider story, all of it has been laid down, in one single handbook, perfect for one to read and adhere to. I, as a creative influencer, for one have benefited immensely from this one. The sheer amount of notes I made whilst reading this is proof alone of the fact that it is a gold mine of application and information for creative influencers as well as all those who wish to be benefited by this pursuit of excellence.

Web and Tech, Digital marketing, its vitalities, the complete concept of Influencer Marketing and all of such info have never been so interesting. Avi and the other two have managed to bring this essential data to the table along with a slice of life. It feels as if your board room meetings and discussions have suddenly been pulled off to more unconventional spots such as an umbrella under the sun-I mean that is the kind of vibe I got whilst getting very vital data and informed pieces of learning at the same time.

So go ahead and grab a copy, enlightening yourself with the perfect learning of world-class standards to learn best practices for new startups as well as sprucing up the existing ones successfully. One book, I’d recommend you have to read NOW!!

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So, hope you guys liked this book review of The Internet Moguls Of The World By Avi, Raya and Avianna Arya. Do let us know in the comments below what other blogs would you like us to get for you. We at Boooxul, India’s leading book review and lifestyle blog are committed to getting you the best from the field of entertainment, lifestyle, travel, food, leisure, Tech and all things bookish.

Adios Amigos !! 

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