Versatile and Multitalented: Spotlighting the Author, Anuj Tikku

Versatile and Multitalented: Spotlighting the Author, Anuj Tikku

How about meeting a desi Willy Wonka, Charlie or Mrs. Bucket in your Indian avatar? Sounds awesome, right? Chandan Choor ki Churan factory is an amazing re-visit to the Roald Dahl classic and yet has a desi tadka and spin by Versatile and multitalented author Anuj Tikku

उल्लेख एन.पी. द्वारा लिखित वाजपेयी: श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी के विशाल जीवन से जुडे मनोरम पल | पुस्तक समीक्षा

उल्लेख एन.पी. द्वारा लिखित वाजपेयी-श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी के विशाल जीवन से जुडे मनोरम पल | पुस्तक समीक्षा

“उल्लेख एन.पी. की पुस्तक ‘वाजपेयी’ भारत के सबसे प्रज्ञावान प्रभावशाली नेताओं में से एक, अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी के जीवन में एक मनोरम और सटीक व्यापक अंतर्दृष्टि से अवगत करवाती है। ये पुस्तक उनके जीवन संघर्षों का छोटा सा दृश्य प्रकट करती है जो पाठको राजनीती से जुड़ी दिकताओ से अवगत करवाती है।

Yantra Tantra Mantra Vidhya | Dr Deepak Singla | Book Review

Yantra Tantra Mantra Vidhya | Dr Deepak Singla | Book Review

Do you believe in totkas? I mean those life-saving hacks that help one overcome difficult scenarios in life. Want to know some? Read on to find out where you can get them through a review of Yantra Tantra Mantra Vidhya by Dr Deepak Singla

Justice at Last- Hanging Palande’s Author, Anuj Tikku, Uncensored!

Justice at Last- Hanging Palande Author, Anuj Tikku, Uncensored!

Justice finally! As Palande and three others were finally booked for the murder of Arun Kumar Tikku, also having been found guilty of conspiring to kill his son, Hanging Palande’s Author, Anuj Tikku, we at Booxoul bring you author Anuj Tikku’s thoughts on the whole episode unfiltered

Hanging Palande: A Son’s Revenge | Anuj Tikku | Book Review

Hanging Palande: A Son’s Revenge | Anuj Tikku | Book Review

Have you heard of the Arun Kumar Tikku and Karan Kakkad murder case, which gained a lot of attention back in 2012? All the major newspapers and media channels had covered this blood-curdling event, highlighting how Vijay Palande and his notorious gang had committed brutal crimes. Hanging Palande: A Son’s Revenge by Anuj Tikku, a sequel to his previous book, Yes Sir, I Killed my Dad, is an explosive piece of writing decoding the same.

Understanding Hinduism-The Third Eye: Dismantling Global Hinduphobia by R Ramasubramaniyan

Understanding Hinduism-The Third Eye: Dismantling Global Hinduphobia by R Ramasubramaniyan

So, do you guys want to read an unbiased, rational, resonating book on Hinduism- its advent, current status, as well as the challenges faced in getting it the rightful recognition it deserves? The Third Eye: Dismantling Global Hinduphobia by R. Ramasubramaniyan is a book perusing and studying such patterns of Hinduism in relation to culture, history and much more

Unstoppable | Meena Chabbria | Book Review

Book review of Unstoppable: Only When You Become A Villain, You’ll Become A Hero by Meena Chabbria

Imagine being a single mother of two out there in the wide world and having to climb the corporate ladder without having even learned or delved into the basics. Unstoppable: Only When You Become A Villain, You’ll Become A Hero by Meena Chabbria, is a memoir of one such brave pursuit in life