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The Tiger Gets New Teeth

Neelam Sharma, Booxoul

Writing Style
Immersive Experience



After finishing The Tiger Gets New Teeth by Amit Bagaria, I have to say that I am amused. Let’s dive into the review:

What’s the book about?

It’s a political-investigation book, just 40 pages long and so can be called a
short-story too. As it is difficult (and spoilery) to divulge the plot of the
short-stories, I’ll try my best to keep it short. The characters of the books are
those inspired from real life with different names; though the author says it
is a work of fiction. Anyone with interest in politics can easily spot who the
author is talking about. The book starts with a bombing at the house of the
President of the Nationalist Party; killing her entire family and half dozen
other people. It should be noted that the book is set May 2021. The blame
for the bombing falls on the ruling party and the investigation begins. But
not by previously authorized and known agencies; someone highly trained
and experienced.

Check: The Blue Elephant | Rahul Das | Book Review

What did I find amusing (and even a bit unethical)?

First, the author took no efforts (most probably willingly) to hide who he
was talking about in the book. Even the changes in the names are very
minor. It seems as though he is predicting the future or something, which I
sincerely hope is not the case. Second, the author DID NOT change the
names of any of the media houses and their newspersons, which I think was really wrong.

Do I Recommed it?

Well, if you are into political reads, go for it. As said earlier it is hardly 50
pages and you can complete it within an hour. It is written very well, with a
no-nonsense style. It’s to the point and happening.

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