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War Of The 24th Century

Neelam Sharma,

Writing Style


Hey, I’m Leo from 2021. I’ve accidentally time-travelled and I’m now stuck here in the 24th century. I came to know about War going on here. Trying to unravel mysteries, I make new relationships here and get involved in War. The thrill of fighting in Future War, my Love for Mary, Fantastic and mind-blowing innovations, Rise of A.I. and emotionless people of future, Humanity vs Development, and the enlightenment of the world after War, these are elements of my journey narrated throughout this book. Will Humanity survive?” is the question that keeps intriguing everyone throughout the Novel. If you’re a fan of Sci-Fi books, Love stories, Future World, Startup enthusiast Philosophies, Tragedy, or Action of War, then this book is a perfect fit for you.


Science fiction is any idea that occurs in the head and doesn’t exist yet, but soon will and will change everything for everybody and nothing will ever be the same again. As soon as you have an idea that changes some small part of the world you are writing science fiction. It is always the art of the possible, never the impossible.

Ray Bradbury

Well, true to every word, the above lines. Indeed, science fiction is one genre that always has been a land for the unexplored, the genre of the truly adventurous if truth be told. Agree it is not always in tandem with our preconceived nationalities of science, the future and related concepts. Nevertheless, it continues to be one that always manages to pique the interest of the readers whilst getting something absolutely new and out of the box for the readers.

Our book in review today, War of the 24th century by Vaibhav Logar, Mehek Chura and Isha Sinha is one such fresh, debut attempt at sci-fi that promises a plethora of sub-genres namely Romance, Future World, AI, as well as War and Philosophy too. What makes this amazingly refreshing debut work more appealing is the presence of a new kind of voice as the co-authors have blended varied vitalities and brought them forth in a new manner presenting a new kind of content, one which is as tech-savvy as it is appealing, an emotional roller coaster as well as AI-based.

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Leo who has accidentally time travelled and landed in the 24th century holds back to muse upon and unravel the current period mysteries going on in that time and also gets embroiled in the war which is prevalent there. Will he succeed in sorting out things and going back or will he get stuck in this space-time endless loop is what forms the core of this book.

I must especially commend the amount of research and data the Co-authors have put in making this a very entertaining as well as informative and enlightening read. Concepts like naming the era from 2020 to 2090 as the Startups era was really an out of the box concept. So, were numerous others like blockchain, its Agricultural relevance, Underground Farming, Textile recycling concept, cloud Kitchens, VR, Clones. They were simply intriguing to read as well as dwell upon. I mean the way they have managed to blend all of them seamlessly in coherence with the plot is simply commendable. It is generally tricky to employ science and related concepts and so in a sensible manner, without making it sound dreary or overwhelming. But, this work surprised me, what with the detailed and exhaustive research in place, having been woven with a lot of thought and provocation in the correct form to make it as realistic as it sounded surreal.

The language used is simple and that I feel is a win-win as sometimes it can get endearing to peruse sci-fi if the language gets too technical or difficult. In fact, the writing is pleasant, having been done in a light-hearted tone which makes it an interesting read, with so much detailing and complexity involved.

An excellent debut and one I must surely give credit to as I sincerely feel new talent needs as much recognition as possible.

I hope you like the book review of War Of The 24th Century by Vaibhav Logar, Mehek Chura And Isha Sinha. Do let us know what you think in the comments.

So, that is it from all of us at Booxoul today. Hope you enjoyed reading the review of this fabulous news Sci-fi. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below and also let us know your favourite sci-fi reads. Take care peeps, Happy Reading till then !!

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