The Finest Of All Human Emotions In Its Entirety – Yesterday Once More By Aabha Rosy Vatsa
Yesterday Once More
YESTERDAY ONCE MORE is a collection of 70 love poems that will captivate the heart of lovers. The poems capture both the vibrancy and ecstasy of love as well as the melancholy and aches. The poems are written on a wide canvas and cater to the multilayered hues of the most potent human emotion, love. The poems will make an inspiring read for readers of all ages. YESTERDAY ONCE MORE is a celebration of love in poetry.
Love loves not with the eyes.
William Shakespeare.
But with the mind.
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
What is better than love? Simple. A celebration of love. The vigour as well as fervour which is an ideal element along with gloomy, wistful passages make love perhaps one of the most wondrous and at the same time, most unique emotions in the world.
I recently happened to finish this ensemble of around 70 poems by Aabha Rosy Vatsa titled Yesterday once more and boy, I must say I am taken with this poetry!
Aabha has very rightly put across the dictum of love and its presence is felt across all forms of nature. Indeed, love is that journey of self-exploration that not only lets one know of their existence and purpose on earth but also gives us a foray into how it is possible to look into everything through a prism of hope and positivity once you fully understand and comprehend its power. Through these 70 odd poems, Aabha has tried to bring out the aesthetic side of this universal emotion. She has depicted how love as a feeling is an aura that engulfs you completely, emptying your heart of all qualms and worries, filling it up with a purity and a serenity so wondrous, that one cannot help but marvel at this creation of God. The point where one reaches whilst in love which happens to be intense and ecstatic is the one which is truly divine and the one which is your one connecting point towards the almighty.
Yes, we all may have experienced that love surely, in our lives. But, somehow experiencing it in its totality, with all its flaws, yet filling us up to the brim is what love actually feels like. And that exactly is the magic here of Aabha’s poems. They resonated with me in a manner where other poetry books might have been short of, for the bare simple reason that Aabha here chose to highlight and muse upon all perspectives of one single emotion, rather than mulling over several things at once.
Be it “Courage”, where she has blithely aware of the intensity, chosen to divulge all a word upon why, when, where and how does love happen, in a manner so obvious yet so coy that you shall be amazed at the contours she has tried to create through her writing upon the canvas of life, with her words. Yes, there is knowledge yet there is an innocence, a refreshing combo, here that is not easy to execute, especially when such a simple, yet powerful and prolific concept is in vogue. Similarly, there are several other poetries she has designed and poured her heart out into, some musing over Desire, others perusing deep yearnings, as well as that love which depicts a true soul connection.
There was another piece I want to particularly mention “Joy and sorrow” which imbibed an absolutely heart-wrenching saga of a lover’s pain and pining for his beloved. Indeed, celebrating love and expressing it is a blessing but not all in life may necessarily have the liberty. It is pieces like these which make us pause back and think-How lucky am I to be able to express my love and celebrate it to the fullest? There are so many who may not be able to do so and Aabha has put forth the pain of these pining lovers in a truly melancholic manner across.
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My favourite pieces from the collection include Yesterday once more, Memories, When Roses Blushed, Aghast, Singaar, Tremors, Summer Rhapsody, Mesmerized, We meet again and many others.
A beautiful depiction and a celebration of love through the most amazingly succinct and aesthetically skilful collection possible of poetry for you to read. Go for it if you want to embark upon this celebration of love and its innumerable facets.

So, that is it from all of us here at Booxoul today. Hope you guys liked the book review of Yesterday Once More By Aabha Rosy Vatsa. Let us know in the comments below which other books you would like us to read and review. Stay tuned for the latest in the field of entertainment, lifestyle, food, travel, tech and gadgets, beauty as well as all things bookish.
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