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Celebrating 76th Independence Day

I am a regular, average Indian of Free India. Today, on the occasion of the 76th year of Independence, Join me on a journey as I prepare to celebrate the freedom of our beloved country yet again, looking at it from my perspective

Ok, let me be honest at the onset guys. Freedom is a birthright and not a choice alone. As we in India, celebrate our freedom from the tyranny of the British rule for the 76th year this time, as a proud Indian, as a citizen, I am glad to say that today as we proceed to breathe freely for the 76th time, basking and revelling in the glory of our Motherland and its countless endowments there is so much to my country, its multiple religions, its different cultures as well as backgrounds that we, as the biggest democracy in the world are nothing short of wonderful, I‘d say. What with exceptionally photographic exotic places, a culturally rich background, a spirit which is nothing short of a miracle, multi-dimensional diversities yet integrity very few democratic places can incorporate in this world, India is one of those nations surely touted to be the next superpower.

You must have heard of the dictum It happens only in India. Well, that is exactly the reality of my fascinating nation. There is so much to explore, there is so much to know about yet every day India is nothing short of a marvel, with a discovery I seem to yet make every single day I live, breathe and revel in the beauty of my motherland. There are experiences I have gathered varying from hilarious to exotic, from breathtaking to bumbling and boring and yet when I look back I see a mystic, spell-binding, beautiful country looking at me from a shroud of the most amazing synergies ever created in any land.

Celebrating Independence Day- India through the eyes of an Independent Woman
Picture Credit: News18

Be it travelling in the trains or lolling on the luscious beaches, be it the way we come out and celebrate any occasion or a simple cricket match win, we Indians are simply another planet. We as a nation might be the most headstrong choosing to give many a BOD or a second chance whenever possible but are vulnerable enough to the point to weep together as one when a TV soap opera hero dies on TV. Remember, Mihir dying in Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu thi…?

Likewise, we stand steely enough and are prepared to give it up all when our soldiers are risking it all, fighting and defending their way to sustain this freedom. The way how we cheer and celebrate for every single achievement our soldiers make whenever they conquer any enemy any their shady intentions.

Of course, there is a fun, engaging, indulgent side to us Indians as well. Remember, how we celebrated India’s historic win in 2011 when we won the World cup for cricket? Sachin Tendulkar in our hearts, we were a colourful wreck of Dhol-Nagadas, fireworks and street dancing our way, parading happiness all over the streets. Well, I had the true ball of my life when this happened and I did a little jig myself too. 

Then there is this compulsory validation and ahem acknowledgement that keeps happening day in and out in the Parliament and the constituent Assembly, thanks to all our leaders wanting to voice out their political opinions compulsorily. Well, no hard feelings and apologies for hurting political or emotional sentiments here, but India is also one of the world’s few nations to host such a popular, frank and liberal kind of socio-political platform for leaders as far as the constitutional set-up is concerned. I mean you will barely find a place which seems to accommodate so much by way of political freedom.

Celebrating Independence Day through a simple musing by me, an average Indian of free India.

Be it our richly endowed natural resources keeping us satiated and abundantly supplicated or our diverse yet divinely beautiful natural habitats and natural physical attributes, we definitely stand tall over many others. From the snow-clad Himalayas to the tip of Kanyakumari and her enigmatic, hidden wonders, India has been privy to only the best blessings of Mother nature. One might argue that Switzerland has the best possible natural surroundings, mountains, scenic beauty and so on. Yet, I strongly abject as I have myself come to recognize the intricacy and elegance which another heaven on earth-Kashmir holds in its lap. Be it Dal lake, Leh-Ladakh or any pass or valley of hills, Kashmir is India’s true gateway to heaven on earth.

You know when someone tells me the gold coast is Surfers Paradise and one of the best beaches in the world I proudly argue back –“but how would you account for that in the face of the backwaters of Kerala and also countless other beaches that adorn our borders and lands? “

Each and every endowment, physical attribute, land feature, religion and societal set-up is by itself a unique as well as a rich heritage of our Motherland, adding to the complete plethora of our nation’s ethereal beauty and fulfilment. 

I, an average Indian woman of Independent India, today wish to take a moment, as we enter the 76th year of Independence and proudly say that-Yes, I am a proud Indian and I love my country unconditionally. I may be chastised for saying so yet I have no regret whatsoever in declaring that today as we prepare to lodge on the next year we have been coming from difficult, strange tides and even as we prepare to surf upon the next, I am completely positive that we as a nation, as the world’s biggest emerging superpower and democratic will only proceed to betterment, thanks to our incorporating attitude and most importantly unity in diversity at the end of it all. Yes, you might disagree saying-No there is no unity, see the unrest erupting at various time points, see the discord amongst politicians, see the difference of opinions that seem to surface constantly. But guys, all said and done eventually we are one big entity-a single people -put all together.

Stay tuned to Booxoul for a series of the most exciting blogs coming up not only to celebrate my Independent India but also to ensure valuable critical feedback from the very people of our land to improve us constantly.

Related: Celebrating 75th Independence Day: The Best 10 Patriotic Songs That Will Melt Your Heart

Bharat Mata Ki Jai!

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