Land of Butterflies | David Lyons | Book Review

Too hot to leave the comfort of your home? What if I told you you could actually disappear into a land of fantasy without leaving the confines of your comfortable reading nook? Prepare to lose yourselves in a land of fascinating fantasy through The Land of Butterflies by David Lyons, the latest fantasy fiction to hit the block.

Land of Butterflies | David Lyons | Book Review
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What if I told you you could disappear off into a land of mysteries, forgetting your worries and qualms, thanks to the adventure galore this narrative is capable of supplying? Land of Butterflies by David Lyons is a fascinating conjuring of action, adventure, mystery, and most importantly, joyous indulgence, transporting you to a wondrous land, a tale that will leave you awestruck and aching for more of it.

Land of Butterflies

Neelam Sharma
Author: David Lyons


You know England has always held that special place in my heart, especially the old-world English land with its rural countryside, and its spread of quaint villages, which have that extraordinary charm to keep one smitten for keeps.

A book I recently read, a mystery adventure—a fictional existence that is almost 300 million years old-yes David Lyons’ latest book, Land of Butterflies, is a book that transported me to a land of awesome, intriguing, spell-binding spirals, which was something I had simply not expected. This season’s perfect pick, especially for fantasy lovers, was a speedy and entertaining read. The story revolves around a legend that includes fascinating lore concerning the land of butterflies.

As I started reading this one, I was curiously reminded of the book The Chronicles of Narnia, one of my classic favourites, and in that instance, I knew I was going to be whisked away into such an entrancing, enthralling land, just like last time.

A tragic loss befalls Maximillian, his grandchildren, and his daughter-in-law when his son passes away. And that pushes them to begin a new life full of adventures they had never even dreamed of. Maximilian, who is adventurous by nature, brings him to a strange rendezvous against destiny and time, bringing him back again to the same mystery he had acquainted himself with years ago. As events unfold one after another, Maximilian and his family are forced to go back to India and help his old friend Maharaja Parth out of a strange predicament where the King’s party as well as Maximillian’s family get together to embark upon this fascinating journey of visiting the land of butterflies.

To begin with, David’s imaginative writing is sure to entice the readers right from the beginning since the imagination and expression he has lent to every character, and the way he has managed to add so much life and excitement to every scenario are simply outstanding. Not only is the world-building spot on, but the entire build-up is also very well dished out for one to take in and glide alongside the magical scenarios portrayed. The characters might be a bit impossible, but nevertheless, they are resonating since it is the thrill with which they are put across that caught my attention. I actually felt like Alice, going down the rabbit hole from Alice in Wonderland. With its metaphorical allusions, the world created, the historic settings, and the symbolic backdrops have been created brilliantly.

Sometimes, fiction, especially fantasy and adventure, has this strangely unique habit of becoming so soothing and therapeutic that it sort of becomes like compulsive reading, especially on days when all you want is to disappear down some fancy path, only to come up unscathed in some enigmatic place, one that is a literal feast to your mind’s eye. Those colours make the characters feel so alive, right in flesh and blood, galloping away on those dark imaginary stallions, flying away towards a purpose one ought to have sought. I personally have been a fan of fantasy fiction for one reason alone. It is the oblivion they give, pushing me to the edge of the precipice, nevertheless, one where there is only magic and mystique yonder.

I liked Maximillian, your granddad figure, who definitely does much more than simply narrate all the fantastic stories. Pushing all in the midst of such an imaginary and fantastic juncture is no mean feat, which Maximillian achieves.

The wormhole itself was a subject matter of deep intrigue for me at least. Whether a depiction of the afterlife or a place of rejuvenation, well, in perception, I was gawking at the way David has managed to create a multi-dimensional vantage point here.

A fabulously written tale, this one is something you have surely got to pick up and delve into right this instant, especially if you want to coil your head around a good fantasy read in this long, dreary month of summer. Yes, this is one cool read that you will surely enjoy without having to leave the confines of your cool reading nook, people!

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So, I hope you guys liked my book review of Land of Butterflies by David Lyons.

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Adios Amigos!

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1 thought on “Land of Butterflies | David Lyons | Book Review”

  1. Thank you very much for your beautiful review Neelam. I am delighted you enjoyed the story. Kindest regards, David

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