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Who doesn’t love romance? Especially, a sweet one with a hint of paranormal, that gives it a cherry on the cake.

Burgundy Winters: in Europe by Pranay Patil is such a title which falls into my alley in this regard. Good that I managed to read and was dusted and done with this one. Else, I would have been doused in a big vat of regret at having missed reading something this spectacular.

This is a story highlighting changes in life with regard to love, forgiveness, acceptance as well as death, this is a story which also touches upon many sensitive topics such as abuse and addiction. A good read, this one was extremely picturesque in terms of narrating the scenic descriptions of Europe, which happens to be one of my favourite destinations in the world. The best part? Well, all those places which were a part of my itinerary were enlisted and described beautifully in this one. What’s more, I also wish to have had the pleasure of having a tour guide such as Yasmine to be able to experience those places in that manner.


“True forgiveness comes only on giving second chances in life. It is very important to restart the next chapter with a clean page, casting aside any bias or prejudices in a relationship.”-Anon

Relationships, I always feel, are a tricky plane to balance and maintain an equilibrium for. It is many a time, more a matter of what, how and how much you choose to prioritize and precisely what you want to put into it before you start expecting from the relationship. Not all remain lovey-dovey and hunky-dory always in life. Situations tend to get trying and in such a scenario, getting back to the same page is something which I feel is difficult to achieve.


Whilst Jace who is the main protagonist, an American rockstar who tends to take life in its stride, playing it by the ear, there is also the bane of his existence, his drug addiction, building up slowly but surely alongside his fame. Having been subject to the pangs of remorse and regret, he is also filled with self-disgust owing to a fatal overdose of cocaine, a close acquaintance takes, which compels him to question his choices. After going to rehab, Jace’s sister Pearl convinces him to take a tour of Europe. And whom should he chance to meet on his travels to Paris but Yasmine Belmont, a tour guide who changes his vantage towards life as well as the guilt he has been harbouring for a while now. A match made in chaos, the rendezvous is electric, pulsating with emotions, burning and culminating into a fire out of bounds and before they realize taking them to a side of life which is creepy aka paranormal. Will the 2 be able to fight their way through the blaze set before them in the paths of love? Or will they simply perish whilst the way to redeem themselves? You have to read the entire book to find out peeps.


At the onset, I must mention how “happy” I have been to be able to read and experience this book. A special personal shout out to the Author for taking me “back” to my fond memories of my travels to Europe. The descriptions of each place mentioned and the details are intricately woven into the main plot adding to the picturesqueness and colours of the story, turning it into a kaleidoscope which was multi-hued. For me, it was a reliving experience of sorts, Europe being one of my favourite places of travel. And yes, the best part? In no way did the added detailing hamper the speed of the story as the plot was moving on smoothly with a decent speed, adventurous and intriguing enough to keep you speculating what shall be transpiring next.

From featuring the all glittery American lifestyle of Jace to showing his downsides and the challenges he tends to battle such as addiction and abuse and later on, harbouring the guilt of the same, Pranay has ensured that the readers tend to flow with the order of the narrative, dipping them in each and every emotion, every instance he tends to narrate. Yes, a glamorous lifestyle is not what it always appears to be, mumbo-jumbo and full of the sparkle and glitter it promises to be. There is indeed a dark flip side to it, sometimes so grotesque that it will leave you speechless with the nature of its barbarity. With great fame comes an even greater challenge of handling the fame sanely and level-headedly. Pranay has depicted this aspect beautifully through this story. 

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With multiple POVs, there is also a paranormal angle which for me, surely added to the value of the tale. Alongwith adding spook and surprise, it also tends to give a good gait to the narrative. A good confluence created, you must surely bookmark this one for your next romance and that too a fast-paced and unusually brilliant one in terms of style and presentation. A great work of romance by Pranay Patil. Looking forward to reading more such books by him. Vividity put on paper is simple wonder meets splendour when Authors like Pranay tend to pen their experiences, sharing them with the world through tales they create like this one. Great work.

Burgundy Winters: in Europe

Neelam Sharma
Author: Pranay Patil, Pete Heyes and Nicola Peake


So, hope you guys liked my thoughts on Burgundy Winters: In Europe by Pranay Patil, Pete Heyes and Nicola Peake.

Let me know in the comments which other reads you have bookmarked for me and I shall be happy to read and put forth my thoughts for you guys. Also, don’t forget to tune in to Booxoul for your daily dose of entertainment, lifestyle, fun, finance, fashion, tech and gadgets as well as all things bookish.

Adios Amigos!

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