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Married On Paper

Review by Neelam Sharma,

Author: Akriti Sharma
Writing Style


Mishkat and Nasya did not get married because they were forced to or because it was necessary. They did it because they wanted to. They flew to different continents for their careers a month after their marriage, not because the marriage didn’t work out but because they wanted to focus on their dreams.
They focused on their careers for seven years, excelled in their respective fields, and moved from being friends to best friends. They thought theirs was the perfect relationship because they did all that they ever wanted.
But, when life carved its own path, it left them with a dilemma. Did they really do everything that they ever desired? Is what they think they want, what they really want?


Two keys to every marriage are transparency and trust. Be transparent enough to gain trust and trust enough to be transparent.

Indeed, transparency, mutual respect and understanding along with unshakeable trust are the core foundations of any successful marriage. It is rightly said that marriage is such Pandora’s box which gives you the best only if you first put enough in it to give it back to you. Marriage is such a relationship wherein you must first cultivate the seeds of trust, imbibe the roots of compassion, love and respect and then does the sapling of a healthy and fruitful relationship sprout forth the same.

Married on Paper by Akriti Sharma is one such book, which I recently happened to finish, which depicts these intricate, sensitive aspects of love and marriage. Any relationship is not only maintained and led by love but also acceptance in totality, trust, mutual respect, compassion as well as several other factors. Akriti through the story of Mishkat and Nasya has explored how 2 people who might be staying miles apart from each other, nevertheless, give a lot of importance to these factors and also to each other’s individual dreams and career aspirations. So what happens when they finally get together physically, having been married for a long time but having stayed apart owing to their career and work commitments. Read the book to find out more.

To begin with, Akriti has chosen a simple yet intense subject of a relationship where distance is a reality yet it is trivial considering the rapport Mishkat and Nasya share. It is endearing to see how they not only have mutual respect for each other’s space, and careers, but it is also commendable how they understand each other’s thoughts, even if unspoken, many a time. The manner in which they are shown to be independent yet dependent emotionally on each other touched my heart. It was wonderful to read their story as it was not the usual flowery, lovey-dovey sort but rather a complete build-up of what one could easily label as the true establishment of love and communion. Staying together albeit vital is not the only thing that is needed. It is equally important to understand your partner, be present for them mentally, and at the same time respect their individual privacy and space. And most important of all. The acceptance of each other is pivotal. Akriti through the story of Mishkat and Nasya has encapsulated a true-to-life, beautiful warming love story which will leave an impression on everyone’s minds.

It was great to read about the waxing and waning periods of their relationship, taking in each and every aspect of how they push through the challenges, making their selves stronger in totality and also making their relationship more fulfilling every passing day. It was also a welcome change reading about their personal anxieties, delving into their insecurities regarding life and also with regard to each other. 

Life is not always a bed of roses and it is the thorns, I feel which are the true supporter, which makes you rise up in every relationship. Soaring through the lows with positivity and perseverance. This book shows exactly how a couple, and their relationship, stand and perseveres through the test of time as well as all those bottlenecks which usually cause one to deter or lose their way, and become de-motivated.

For me, Mishkat and Nasya truly represent the ideal couple not because of their being individually perfect but because they are mutually accommodating, they give each other true love, trust, and respect and also have each other’s backs without any inhibitions and the fear of being judged. It is possible to cultivate such a relationship provided you truly understand and get empathetic, get into each other’s shoes, are more accepting of each other and many other aspects which are essential for building a healthy, loving relationship. 

Sometimes, it felt though that the equation of both was too good to be true. It could have been done with a bit more salt aka some more hurdles highlighted as regards the narrative goes. Giving it some more challenges could have made it a tad bit closer to the actualities of real life. Albeit it was practical at places it should have been. Still, a touch more of maybe the skeletons out of the closet would have made it more intense. 

Related: Book Review Of Yesterday Once More By Aabha Rosy Vatsa – Exploring Love, The Finest Of All Human Emotions In Its Entirety

A good, romantic fiction though. Something I enjoyed reading for a long time.

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