Divided We Fall

Divided We Fall

I want you to do something for me. I want you to think about your maid or a beggar on the street, their eyes dark and sunken, three meals a day their only goal in life. Now I want you to think about how it is a pure accident that you have been born as you, in your family, with your resources. I want you to understand that had anything gone even a little bit differently, you could have been the one out on the street. The reason I am telling you this is not to admonish you or anything but to remind you of this fact because everyone seems to have forgotten it. The way I see people treating those less fortunate than themselves… it appalls me, it really does. I never thought that one day, possessing basic human qualities such as kindness and virtue would be regarded as a rarity. This ties into the main point of this article, which is regarding the recent surge in communal violence in this country. The Bhagavad Gita and the Quran do not speak of ill-will towards one another, but their followers are hell-bent on wiping out the other community. With the advent of social media, it became acceptable for embittered millennials to preach selfishness as a viable trait. “The world will never understand me. So screw the world”. Why? Because they got their heartbroken by their crush. As time went on, this ideal gathered widespread acceptance. Looking out only for yourself and being aloof from those around you became the “cool” thing to do. Not caring became the “cool” thing to do. While this by itself did not lead us to the point where actual legislation is being made to exclude Islam from this country, it did exacerbate the problem. Because being selfish and never forgetting or forgiving are the root causes of India’s latest issue. Because of things that happened decades and centuries ago, we are today taught that some problems cannot be fixed, some people just cannot change. It is in their “blood”. We need to eradicate them from our nation. Facebook and Twitter are not social media platforms, they are the breeding grounds of intolerance. They played a pivotal role in the spreading of hate culture in this country, and now we are in too deep. Remember I asked you to think about those less fortunate than you? Now think about this – it is pure luck that your last name is, say, Bose or Das instead of Khan or Ali. At the end of the day, we are people first, and Hindus or Muslims after. Religious intolerance is simply not forgetting and not forgiving on a wider scale. We are all children of this great nation. I am a law student, I know what the Constitution says. We are supposed to be the noblest, most forgiving and most accommodating race in the entire world. Instead, we are at each other’s throats, because of books written by people, not even by God. Someone like you and I wrote those scriptures, and now a country is tearing itself apart from the inside because of them. At the end of the day, it is up to you – let the past destroy the present and the future, or carve a new path, based on values that seem to have been forgotten? Side with a Government that thinks Islam is a dangerous disease or side with the secular Constitution without which that Government would not exist in the first place? None of us are perfect, but we are supposed to be the best there is in the entire solar system. If this is our condition in the present, what hope remains for the future? In my opinion, India was once the greatest country in this world. Let’s you and I play our part, no matter how small, in restoring it to its former glory. Also, read: The Rage Within

Top 10 Adventurous Things to do in India

Top 10 Adventurous Things to do in India

India is an incredible country where so many adventurous can be done; Numerous people visit India every year for enjoying unique festivals, for relishing authentic & traditional Indian dishes, and for having exciting, daring, and unusual experience in life. Here I want to describe ten adventurous things which people can do in India. Here we go:   1) Holi Celebration This occasion is known as the festival of colors, Mathura and Vrindavan are the best places for Holi celebration, their people play Holi with flowers, colors, water, and these places are also famous for Lath maar Holi in which women beat men with sticks and men use shields to protect themselves. This is an old tradition that was followed by Lord Krishna and his beloved goddess Radha Ji. Million of foreigners and locals visit these places at the time of Holi.   2) Rafting There are so many rivers in India where people can enjoy rafting. Still, Rishikesh is the well-preferred place because of the Ganga river, it is known as the holiest river, and rafters can fill their mind with positivity and can enjoy breathtaking sceneries and views.    3) Diwali This is the very famous festival of Hindus, and People celebrate this festival for commemorating Lord Rama. This festival is the sign of victory of good over evil; this can be enjoyed in many states (Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, etc.)  of India in October and November.   4) Ride of Hot Air Balloon Riding in the hot air balloon and great fun, those we see in the movies or our imagination world we can enjoy those views in real via hot balloon ride. Beautiful sceneries, seas, and oceans can be seen clearly. Jaipur, Lonavala, Bhopal are the most beautiful sites for a hot air balloon ride.   5) Trekking It’s a type of walking, and the purpose of walking is exploring and enjoying the view of a specific place. People can enjoy trekking in Nag Tibba, Bhriggu lake, Ladakh, and Singalia national park in India.   6) Paragliding If you want to fly like a bird in the sky with open arms, so paragliding is the immaculate activity for you. There are numerous destinations where you can enjoy the lush greenery and snow-capped mountains in India through paragliding.   7) Underwater Walking Do you want to feel like marine animals? If yes, then there is no need to worry about swimming because you can walk underwater and enjoy marine life. Guides accompany you in underwater tours, Pigeon island, Havelock island, and Grand island are the great destination where this walking can be enjoyed.   8) Scuba Diving Scuba diving can give you the excellent lifetime experience of marine life. You can see beautiful fishes octopus, sharks, and other marine animals; the beautiful view of underwater can give a different light to your eyes.   9) Windsurfing There are many water activities which people live to perform, but widely performed water sports is windsurfing. Goa is the most preferred place where this activity performed by numerous tourists and locals.   10) Jungle Safari It is a courageous thought to explore wildlife where you can see the natural habitat of your favorite animal. Gir forest in Gujarat, which is popular among other forests because of conserving the Asiatic lion, jeep safari is the only way to see lions there.  .   .   .   .   . Also, read: 4 Underrated Destinations in India every traveler should visit before they die Overall, you can say that the person who once visited India cannot forget the unique things about the nation which is versed and quite famous. Do let me know in the comments below about your experiences in India and hey, Happy Traveling 🙂