It’s up to you by Anju Dhawan

Review of the book It’s Up To You by Anju Dhawan

It’s up to you Whether you focus on the roses or thorns, It’s up to you. Whether you focus on the falling leaves or the new buds, it’s up to you. When I got this book for review, by the look of the book I really thought it’s another rom com book. The synopsis revealed something else and the book came out to be of self-help genre. To start with, I disagree with author’s view that this is a unique book on this topic. I have personally read or seen at least 10-20 books on this topic myself in many bookstores. The methods or activities might be new but the essence of the book is same. Law of attraction. What you think you become or so. Though I was really disappointed to get yet another book on this topic, but I really liked the way she made this topic easy to understand & implement in day to day life for our young generation. Her activities & techniques are good and doable. “Be at cause” is a technique that I think will really stay with the readers for a long time. She also gives case studies, revision points that makes it really easy for anyone to understand what she is trying to explain & helps in retaining the lessons. Her language is simple & fonts of the book goes easy on your eyes. She also touched upon few fears/issues that are very much relevant today. Like FOMO (fear of missing out) and cyber addiction. Its really a good idea to include it in this book. I really appreciate all the work Author Anju Dhawan is doing in the field of education & social work & wish her luck with her book.

Finding Our She-compass by Helen & Jo Owens

Review of Finding Our She compass by Helen Owens

15 Life Lessons for Women Voyaging Toward Restoration, Reconstruction, and Renewal I am a fictional novel reader who avoids motivational, self-help books all the time. In fact, this is my first self-help book reading experience and reason is my own hair. After my pregnancy, my hair texture got changed from wavy to frizzy curls. Though it seems a petty issue it still bothers me. Most of the time I am in the same bun hairstyle. So, while my visit to the trichology center, I saw someone who was literally half bald. I didn’t talk to her but I wondered if with only texture change, I am so conscious then how she must be feeling and that is how I started reading the famous book “Finding Our She-Compass: 15 Life Lessons For Women Voyaging toward Restoration, Reconstruction, and Renewal”. Love is the compass of life As per my understanding, this is a motivational story cum self-help book. It’s about Author Helen Owens who is a hair-restoration professional who helps people who had lost their hair in special circumstances. Helen is giving us insight into her own life and career experiences which includes a few of her client’s stories. These stories reflect all-important relationships of our life like family, love and friends and all issues with these relationships like heartbreak, over self-analysis and trust. ‘I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship’ – Louisa May Alcott While reading this book many times, I have recognized that there is some part of me in those troubled women’s life or another way around. Helen teaches us many lessons like embracing self-power, self-priority; ignoring own negativity; avoiding toxic relationships and many more. This book is worthy of all your time and energy as stories are not only relatable and inspiring but also interesting. As a reader, you don’t get bored or feel bloated with over motivation lessons. Subtly this book changes somethings within us. I can confidently recommend this book to all age groups from 16 to 60. Also, this book is not only for women; anyone can read as there is plenty of takeaways. I would like to rate this inspiring book 4 out of 5. .   .   .   .   . Love reading self-help? Then, don’t miss this: Finding your G-spot in Life Also, do let us know in the comments, what’s your favorite self-help book? Happy Reading 🙂

The Mind Game By Devika Das

Publication:  Blue Rose Publishers Page Count:  203 Review: Another Non-fiction book by this Author. Which I really enjoyed reading, because of its fast pace, non-repetitive and to the point writing style. Devika’s The Mind Game is a fairly straightforward Self-Help book on mastering emotions to achieve success. It is divided into 6 main sections that deal with the following: Emotions and their Management Understanding Behavior of People Recommends Simple Living Staying Happy despite the Circumstances Anger Management Promotes a Good Work Environment Do I recommend ‘The Mind Game’? I’m absolutely not a fan of Self-Help books. In fact, I tend to gravitate towards Fiction rather than Non-fiction.  Ergo, I had my doubts about this book too… as I have for countless self-help books. Needless to say, against my better judgement I started with this book. In the beginning, my mind kept wandering every now and then while reading, but after like 30 pages in, I kind of started enjoying the book. To be frank, I did not discover any great epiphany or find any major information that would transform my life, but then again, I guess it’s nice to be reminded of the small ways in which you can get back on track in case you need a reassuring hand. Probably those looking for a simply written book that gives basic insights might find this one useful. I loved the simplistic way of writing of the author. It was what kept me hooked to the book. Also, the points in the book were relayed in a simple manner. Overall, it is a good read. Readers who like to read Self-Help will surely love this book.   My Rating: 3.5/5 stars .   .   .   .   . About the Author Devika Das is simply described as a Passionate Writer, Theatre Artist, and Poet. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on her website. .   .   .   .   . Also, read: Finding your G-Spot in Life Do you guys love self-help? If yes, then do let us know your favorite self-help book in the comments below!

INFIN-EIGHT: Eight Principles for Infinite Professional Success by Prajeet Budhale

INFIN-EIGHT by Prajeet Budhale To be honest, I am not a big fan of self-help books. So when I received the book Infin-Eight by Prajeet Budhale to review, I wasn’t much excited about it. Boy, wasn’t I wrong? It is not just a regular self-help book. With 22 years of experience in the various professional fields, author Prajeet Budhale through his book nudges us towards an uncomplicated professional life. It is divided into eight chapters, giving it’s reader step by step guide to lead a happy professional life. The first chapter teaches us to recognize ‘professional ability‘ answering the question ‘What is our perfect calling?‘. With some amazing questionnaire and fun activities, we start unraveling ourselves in a very interesting way. Furthermore, the author, through these activities help us to understand the work environment and the teamwork. The book was so engaging that I was compelled to read further and participate in the entire activities. Furthermore, the language with its simplicity bowled me over. This book came as a pleasant surprise to me. From cover to the chapters, every element of this book enthralled me. This book has earned 5 out of 5 stars, for keeping me engaged throughout, which, in fact, is a difficult task when it comes to self-help books. And I am sure there will be others like me, who would immensely enjoy reading this book. I recommend Prajeet’s Infin-Eight to everyone who is just starting the job or have been working since like forever, for this book is very important for your professional as well as personal well being. This is a must-read for everyone. .   .   .   .   . I hope you liked the review. If you did, then don’t forget to check our whole book recommendations and book reviews directory. Also, have you read this book? IF yes, then do let us know your take of Infin-Eight by Prajeet Budhale in the comments below! Happy Reading 🙂